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  1. TamyLove420

    Does this reccomendation exempt me from the limits law?

    I need some help here please. This doctors reccomendation states that I am exempt from the LOCAL limits right? Or am I not understanding these words correctly? It looks like it states the "limits law" and spells out in detail how I am EXEMPT from the limits. Ughhh, PLEASE HELP
  2. TamyLove420

    im really tired of clubs not tellin me ANYTHING over the phone

    I have been all around the sacramento area trying 2 find the friendliest, most professional collective. One that keeps its shelves stocked with real QUALITY meds at pretty unbeatable prices. Will they help save me a costly trip by telling me whether they have a certain strain or a couple that I...
  3. TamyLove420

    Unknown strain that smells like coffee...?

    2 afternoon delights in front 2 bubba kush in back this afternoon delight plant hardly has a smell at all and is a slightly lighter color than the other afternoon delight plant this is the healthier AD plant, both in terms of color and smell, which is also getting the coffee smell like the 2...
  4. TamyLove420

    Costly lawyer info/opinions

    I understand there is numerous web sites tha list medical marijuana lawyers that will take your $5000 retainer fee and claim 2 go 2 bat for you (and in a perfect world you could hand someone $5000 dollars on a simple word, handshake, or whatever) but having dealt with "the system" personally...
  5. TamyLove420

    Unknown strain that smells like coffee...?

    omg! i know thats why i came here in hopes that all you SEASONED green thumb veterans could/would point me in the right direction... do you have any other helpful imput? or just that i may b doing it wrong? yikes! i hope, hope, hope not! can someone give me some sort of detailed explaination...
  6. TamyLove420

    Unknown strain that smells like coffee...?

    i know right! = D my mouth waters everytime i walk in my house! been smokin for many years but i never ever dreamed a couple of life's most enjoyable substances would/could get mixed up in such a beautiful way....What a precious gift!!!
  7. TamyLove420

    Unknown strain that smells like coffee...?

    YAY! I LOVE BUBBA KUSH! Lol. And thanx 4 ur quick response! :grin:
  8. TamyLove420

    Unknown strain that smells like coffee...?

    what would make two out of my 4 plants have a distinct coffee smell? a couple key things 2 point out is that they are 2 weeks into flower, and the 2 out of the four that smell like coffee are a kind of a unknown strain. i say kind of unknown because i seem to remember the seeds coming from a...
  9. TamyLove420

    CA grow laws and limits questions....

    Ok so lets say you are drying your 6 or so pounds off your LEGAL GROW (in sacramento california the limit is 6 mature plants, about a pound off each plant) and for some god forsaken reason you end up getting handed a search warrant from law enforcement, the law here in sacramento specifically...
  10. TamyLove420

    Pollen sack storage?

    What is the best way to store pollen sacks? Can you use a plastic baggy?
  11. TamyLove420

    Feminized seed questions?

    Can you make feminized seeds with pollen sacks from a hermie strain on a female non-hermie strain Or will this produce hermie seeds?
  12. TamyLove420

    Afternoon delight?

    well from the lack of action here, its safe 2 assume this is not a legitament strain. so can i ask what reason a popular and seemingly professional collective would make a false label? would they have anything to gain in doing so? after all, it did contain seeds. but i dont see why a...
  13. TamyLove420

    Afternoon delight?

    somebody.........somebody PLEASE!!!!
  14. TamyLove420

    Afternoon delight?

    Does anyone have any info on a strain called "Afternoon Delight"? Please please please! =) Thanks!
  15. TamyLove420

    What is FDD?

    What is the FDD? I see it everywhere but have no clue what it is! LOL. Help?
  16. TamyLove420

    Is it legal?

    Is it legal to have a scale in your possession if you are a medical marijuana cardholder? If not I'm curious as to why?
  17. TamyLove420

    2 Medical Patients Growing Together

    what is a growing collective sheet? N what do u mean by "recs"?