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  1. P


    bro i m here cause i need some1 to explain me with simple english if its right o feed my plants over 1 time per english is really bad so i m here and i need some answer from a guy who maby allready do this its beter to tell me what u do with ur plants about feeding and not...
  2. P


    sry for late girls are 37days old i feed them for 2 weeks now with sensigrow part A & B ans B -52 but saperate i m going t mix them in next watering.anyway i need t know if i had t repeat that feeding more then 1 time per week.thank you.
  3. P


    hello i have a simple question. how many times at week may i feed my girls? i m allready feed 1time per week with a mix of sensi grow part1 /2 and b-52 how many times at week may i use this mix?
  4. P


    yes bangkok thank you good infos. bigboy u use b-52 on later stage of flowering?it suppose for the first 2 weeks of flower.that why i chosea formula for flowering with tarantula sensi bloom a and b (some1 told me as a tip to continue sensi grow for 1-2 weeks durring flowering tha i swich t...
  5. P


    i dont know if i m in the right room to do that question.but i need t know if it s safe to use AN products together wen i m growin on soil.for example' may use B-52 with sensi grow part1 and 2 together in the same galon of water on my weekly feeding.i m allready using them seperated i wonder if...
  6. P


    u said men.i will scrog so i think i will quntinue topping till cover th 70 % of the screen before i swich to 12/ room is 3x2x7 feet and i m using 35litres pot.
  7. P


    this is my first grow.i m growing 2xwhite rinho and a cheemdog in my clloset.i top 2 of my plants at forth (real)note and my first try to fimming do it well and i get 4 main tops growing on this note. The question is if i have to topthem again a few notes this bad or somethink for my...
  8. P

    its cool?

    hello i m growing one month now 2x white rhino and a cheemdog from greenhouse.i wonder if i do wrong that my cfl 250w its just 5-6inc abovem them,no sine of burning they look question really is if that litlle space between them is good for my plant develop or no.thanks in advance and...
  9. P

    royal queen

    any1 knows royalqueen seed bank.did any1 triet before with this site?
  10. P

    its safe?

    i would like to read sir but error cant let me do that.thanks anyway.
  11. P

    its safe?

    its soil plants are 26 days old 28 from
  12. P

    its safe?

    may i use both sensigrow parts A and B with B-52?i mean its safe t mix them?i w8 for them tommorow and i need to know how t use them its my first grow.soil grow.thank u.
  13. P

    first time top

    never feed them again.tommorow i will get b-52 and sensi grow A&B.should i feed them or its no right a day after topping?if yes should i mix b-52 AND sensi grow A&B or its too much for them?
  14. P

    first time top

    its bad that i topped my plants at age of 25days old?they build as i see 6 nodes/so 3-4 real nodes and i top them 27 days after seeding.dont answer me that depends of ur space and this stuff i really want to know if i damage my plants health by that.thank you and peace.
  15. P

    B feedeing

    hi and peace. wen do i need b vitamins?grow cycle?/bloom cycle/?
  16. P


    hello.Wen should i start feeding my girls?any1 use ANs?if yes wich formula do u recommend?how this sounds: Sensigrow A&B SensiBloom A&B Tarantula B-52fertlizer BIGBUD OVERDRIVE Should i add molasses somewere?did i cover NPK needs of my girls with all this?should i add somethink? how this plan...
  17. P

    advanced comfuzio

    hello guys newbi here/first grow.what do u think about this:? sensi grow(aB) sensi bloom(AB) tarantula B-52 BIG BUD OVERDRIVE all from AN and somethink more?wen should i start feeding my girls?
  18. P


    i will buy AN cause is easier t get there is a specifik product that u recomend?I thought that with iguana grow juice/bigbud/overdrive will cover the needs of my plants.
  19. P


    like iguana bloom juice?base flower nute,what u mean by that?
  20. P


    how this sounds?iguana grow juice for my veg then bigbud for 2nd to 4th week of flowering and finishe them with overdrive all from AN.i have t add molases?i will use tarantatula or piranha to help also.(i forgot to say that i m completly newbi its my first time axcently and my english as u see...