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  1. S

    1st grow ever ,cfl , pics and would like comments

    another question i was thinking on trimming most of the fanl leaves off keeping like 2 or 3 as solar panels but take out the rest so my bud spots get more light , good idea or not let me know guys
  2. S

    1st grow ever ,cfl , pics and would like comments

    i was thinking on getting more lights but i need those Y extensions tho cuz i only have 3 lamps lol can u get those any hardware store ? and for the sprouting time on each was about a day and a half after germination they were out of the soil both plants in the pic are different unknown kinds...
  3. S

    1st grow ever ,cfl , pics and would like comments

    k so i have these 2 girls growing the left one is almost 8 weeks old and almost 2 weeks into flowering the right one is almost 7 weeks old almost 2 weeks into flowering im trying the lst method and there both showing female signs , i have 3 cfls in there one is 42 watts equi. to 150 watts and...
  4. S

    help me please !!!

    Grammer nazis wtf ? Anyways that clone never rooted its doneski i got myself some free seeds there already germinated put in 16oz cupswth a dome over it lets see if these go
  5. S

    help me please !!!

    Mine isent on flowering stage this clone was dying and shit 3 weeks ago transplanted a better pot and put a dome on it and now its been showing new growth quick witch i like makes me feel like a hero lmfao my first time growing plant is dying and then i did everything i thought.ove and now...
  6. S

    help me please !!!

    Heres a pic
  7. S

    help me please !!!

    Its actually growing new leaves so would that mean it rooted and i can take the dome off ?
  8. S

    help me please !!!

    in the past week witch is the week i put the dome on it since i found out it had no roots at all it has shown new growth new leaves comin out pretty quick and shit i just hope she goes well so far since i put the bag she looks more alive
  9. S

    help me please !!!

    so is she guaranteed dead or theres a slight chance she lives ?
  10. S

    help me please !!!

    how can u tell she was taken from a mother plant in flower ? not that i dont believe you just asking im new in this and shes had some new growth but she still gonna end up dying?
  11. S

    help me please !!!

    k so heres a pic from like 3 weeks ago before i transplanted it in a better pot had no roots then heres a pic of like middle of last week so like a week and a half ago and heres a picture i took from today
  12. S

    help me please !!!

    k so yee ive had my clone for about 4 weeks now and well last week i transplanted it pot cuz the one i had it in dint havegood enough drainage and dint have much perlite in the soil so i did was i was told to lift it so as i was doin that i noticed she dint have any roots wat so ever so i put...
  13. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    So yee i got an update not a rlly good one i dont rlly kno much on clones but yee i lifted it like i got told put her in a better pot with better drainage and ias i was changin irt i noticed she did not have any roots at all and its has been 3 weeks can she make it if shes under a humidity...
  14. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    So yee i just looked and where the leafs habe died new stems are coming out with leaves and im pretty sure she has rooted im thinkin my problem might be the air circulations my fan keeps dyin on me so would that be dryin out the leafs on me and some tips are yellowish is it in need of nutes ?
  15. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    So yee heres an update i put perlite on top mixed with soil still hasnt had any growth i a week n 2 days mmy stem still really green ive had baby leafs on there since i got it there still green lost 2 of my big leafs out of 4 and theres a third one yellowing half way leafs havnt wilted n stayed...
  16. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    so if i put perlite on top of the soil she should be fine ? if thats the problem right
  17. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    like i sayed just got it off a friend he sayed i should be good for about 2 weeks no nutes and to keep that cup on it till it grew abit and so far i havnt seen any new growth i have it on 18/6 lighting aswell should i have it on 20/4?
  18. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    thx alot guys i will post an update soon enough with pics
  19. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    no i think my buddy just put it straight into the soil after using rooting gel im not too sure i just payed 20 for it and got it and trying it out i will ease off the water wait till the top of soil is crusty and dry thats wat im supposed to do right
  20. S

    My clone has 3 dead leafs now is this normal?

    i havnt watered in like 2 days already and its my first time even growing trying it out hopin it works i have 1, 42 watt cfl in there and a 15 watt is that goood or too much or not enough and like i sayed its my first time so what do you mean lift it like take it out of the pot or just put...