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  1. W

    Yellowing Leaves

    I have a Trainwreck Clone outdoors that is in a 7 gallon pot and about 6 ft tall, and the leaves are starting to really get yellow due to a lack of nitrogen I think. But here is my problem I can add more nitrogen but why does the buds on the top of the plants stretch and the lower buds not? If...
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    Blueberry Flowering Time?

    How many weeks did you flower DJ Shorts Blueberry before harvest? It says 8 weeks but is the 8 weeks from the start of 12/12 or the start of flowering? I have also heard that you need to flower it for 10 weeks to get its maximum potential. Is this true? My Blueberry grown outdoors is 55 days...
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    Compost Tea and Neem Oil?

    Would it be ok if I added some neem oil into the compost tea right before watering the plants? I will go ahead and brew the compost tea first and just before applying to the plants just add some neem oil to kill the insects in the soil. I can add them seperately but since it rained last night...
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    DJ Short Blueberry?

    How many days is the ideal time to harvest DJ Shorts Blueberry? I have some plants outdoors that is 55 days from 12/12 and 49 days from signs of flowering and I am curious about when to harvest. The recommended flowering time is 8 weeks but I am not sure if it is 8 weeks from 12/12 or 8 weeks...
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    s.s base soil alternative

    I use Kellogg Patio Plus Potting Soil and add in Coco Coir and extra worm castings. I also add organic steer manure when I can find it. The regular steer manure is always around but since they use so much antibiotics and hormones on cows, I will only use Organic Steer Manure.
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    Just purchased some diatomacous earth QUESTION

    Here is the MSDS for Oil Dri.
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    Just purchased some diatomacous earth QUESTION

    Most cat litter is DE that is covered with perfumes and other chemicals. Oil Dri is 100% natural with no chemical additives.
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    Bucket Drainage

    Subcool uses the #10 pots for his supersoil mix. You might not get the same results if you use the #7 pots. Here is a link
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    Just purchased some diatomacous earth QUESTION

    You can buy DE at Walmart it is known as OilDry and in the automotive section. I think its like $4.50 for a 25lb bag.
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    Charcoal into soil ?

    I am going to try and make Biochar and add it to my next grow.
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    Removing Excess Calcium?

    Thank you for the advice. I didnt realize that indica can handle more nutrients then sativa plants. I havent fed the SLH since I started to have problems but have fed the RL, so at least I am doing that correctly.
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    Removing Excess Calcium?

    The plant that is giving me problems is a Super Lemon Haze and the other plant is a Rocklock. The MG Bloom nutrient content is 15-30-15. Any advice is appreciated!
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    Removing Excess Calcium?

    I added about 2 pounds of dolomite to the top of the soil and mixed in about 2 pounds of dolomite when I dug my holes. The only nutrients that I have added are 10-30-10+Kmag, Miracle Grow Bloom fertilizer, and about a 1/4 cup of Azomite. I have another plant that I fed the indentical nutrients...
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    Removing Excess Calcium?

    I am growing outdoors and in the ground. I ended up adding to much dolomite in the soil and now having a nutrient deficiency. I thought that dolomite would wash away after a thunderstorm like other nutrients and didnt know that it stays in the soil. Is it possible to remove the excess calcium...
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    Bucket Drainage

    Subcool uses #10 pots that hold 7 gallons of soil. If you use the #7 pots the only hold 5 gallons of soil.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Coast Guard helicopter flying low in Kaimuki, Kapahulu, and Diamond Head are prompting complaints from residence. Coast Guard said that the helicopter was participating in a on going operation. Could the operation be counting plants of Medical Marijuana Cardholders plants to see if they are in...
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    Just purchased some diatomacous earth QUESTION

    Not rooting powder but in place of rockwool, jiffy plugs, or any other thing to use to root clones. You would still need to use a rooting gel or powder and place in the DE.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Mahalo Aunty for the heads up!
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    Cloning with Subcool ( Redundant Explanation with Pictures)

    Subcool, Do you sex your plants and put them back into veg? I thought I saw a label that said male. Or do you take clones and then keep the females clones only after the mother plant showed its sex?
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    Hawaii Growers

    Has anyone experience the Tobacco Mosaic Virus in there plants? Did the plant survive? If it did survive how much did it affect yield? I know that at least one of my plants if not all have the virus, and was curious because the virus is not suppose to be as active in temperatures above 21C or...