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  1. stvitusdance

    First time grow and nerves about harvesting....My plant trichomes

    typically i have found the breeder instructions to be roughly close. with autoflowers i've seen more variation. you'll hear and read lots of stuff about flushing at the end of a grow. personally i don't flush at all because i go organic in soil and don't use a lot of nutes. i have about 10...
  2. stvitusdance

    First time grow and nerves about harvesting....My plant trichomes

    what strain are you growing? got a pic? i think you have plenty of time. don't stress. how are you looking at your trichomes? are you on schedule according to the breeder instructions? there's a ton of variables but don't feel like you are on a tight window. i keep an exhaust fan going in my...
  3. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    This is to make up for the techno video. :bigjoint: Last plant other than the one i have growing outside. I put her sister in the dark yesterday. (Yes, I might as well do it since I'm in no hurry and I have the space.) I'm letting this one go a few more days. I'm liking this Nirvana royal flush...
  4. stvitusdance

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    i notice a huge difference the way the plant expresses itself between inside and outside.
  5. stvitusdance

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    ha ha ha, you're right! i can't give up on her. thanks! i could bring her indoors and put her in my tent with a big HID light but she is budding very differently outdoors than indoors and i want to see how that goes. maybe i can insulate the shed some how. `
  6. stvitusdance

    Anyone have plants outdoors flowering yet

    this thing has been outside for a long time. i tried putting it in 2 days total darkness quite a while ago to make it flower - no luck. i tried moving it to a darker location - no luck. so i totally gave up on it thinking my yard just has too much ambient light at night. it's just been sitting...
  7. stvitusdance


    damn! i'm an idiot. thanks!!!
  8. stvitusdance


    sorry, this has got to be so simple but i've been looking around for a while and don't see the solution. if i'm reading a thread and want to sub to it how do it do it? i don't see a button or drop down thing to click on. i'm assuming i just respond and i'm automatically subbed due to my...
  9. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    actually i should ask you JD! you have much more experience and a way more complicated set up than i do. all i've ever done is grow from seed in soil. i've never cloned anything or kept a mother or crossed anything. have you tried the dark period thing?
  10. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    hi JD, thanks for watching. i've done it 3 times now and i really can't see any difference. i keep trying just to experiment with different strains thinking i'll see something. maybe they are a little more swollen than when i put them in the dark but maybe they would have been that way anyway...
  11. stvitusdance

    Cluster Bomb/Royal Flush/Liberty Haze/White Widow Gro

    i put her in the dark for 4 days and took her down tonight. it looks a mess since i took the stakes out and it all fell over.
  12. stvitusdance

    any ideas on this one?

    i don't think it can be heat stress, mid 80's is fine, your two cfl's can't be the problem.
  13. stvitusdance

    seed banks

    i live in CO and i have never had a problem with the attitude, and i've never had a problem with nirvana.
  14. stvitusdance

    Popcorn buds?

    buds are buds! people spend so much time trying to get an impressive top cola and i don't know if it's even worth it. are the tops really that much better? i like popcorn buds. nice and easy to put in your bowl.
  15. stvitusdance

    Pretty lost on how to continue growing this! Help.

    isn't it kinda late in the season to be planting something outdoors?
  16. stvitusdance

    Can I Get 10+ ounces with this?

    if you look around on here, at least in soil, the average is 2 to 5 oz a plant per 5 gal bucket. maybe hydro is a bit more? lots of variables: strain, lights, etc. be skeptical about guys saying they grow a pound indoors in a 5 gallon bucket. if you're not making a business out of this just...
  17. stvitusdance

    is there a tutorial?

    got it. so when i click on thread i will always get the first page. thanks again sunni.
  18. stvitusdance

    is there a tutorial?

    another question: so when i click on a subscribed thread in myrollitup it seems to put me at the beginning of the thread and then i have to work my way to the end of the thread. is there a way to go to the last post first and work back-words? i hope that makes sense.
  19. stvitusdance

    What are the T8 6400k fluorescent pros and cons

    max is right. bend and tie them down. there's numerous ways to do it. i take twist ties and clamp them on the bucket with clothes pins.
  20. stvitusdance

    is there a tutorial?

    awesome! thanks so much.