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  1. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    I don't know about you but I can't taste the aluminum. All you have to do is not be a dumbass and only hold the lighter there long enough for the weed to stay cherry.
  2. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    Um, alright then.
  3. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    I got a vaporizer today so I don't need any of that shit anymore. I was saving up for one and I just got it this morning.
  4. W

    What kind of bug is this?

    It's a lightning bug, lol.
  5. W

    Why is this?

    Any pics? Drooping or Wilting might be cause by OVERwatering, how much water do you give it? When it's a seedling you only need to water it like 1-2 times a week, then when it gets into the veg stage I would bump up the watering to 3 times a week.
  6. W

    How soon can you tell between sativa and indica

    Well he's asking WHEN you can tell they're Indica or Sativa not how, and I would like to know the same thing. Mine is an unknown bagseed and I think it's Indica because of how fat it's leaves are at day 5, but IDK if it's too soon to tell. Pics of it:
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    They can still grow at 12/12.
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    Anyone else?
  9. W

    Heat problem. (Pics)

    If your plants are blowing around then it should strengthen the stem.
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    Sunlight and when it gets dark I put it under a T10 Tubular bulb, it's not the best but it'll work until I put it outside.
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    Just posted it, my bad.
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    Also, what's up with the smaller cotyledon? Should I be worried?
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    Here's my seedling I started growing about 5 days ago. Is everything going good with it? Are the leaves supposed to be going up like that? I guess it's better than dropping.
  14. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    I didn't know that considering I just made one in my video.
  15. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    Joints and Blunts are a waste of my weed IMO, I can't stand the taste of the papers or a blunt wrap. Stop putting me down, there's millions of people that use an aluminum foil pipe to smoke weed.
  16. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    I know but it's not like I use aluminum all the time. The only time I use one is when I can't take a piece with me and I need something I can just throw away or if I don't have a pipe and I just want a quick high. The occasional bowl out of tin or aluminum isn't going to give you Alzheimer's...
  17. W

    Great Song To Listen To When You're High

    I trip out to this song, it's mostly the beat and bass line that I love when I'm stoned. It relaxes me so much.
  18. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    Yeah, you can't fit shit in there, and it will be shitting in your mouth the whole time.
  19. W

    How To Make A Good Sturdy, Aluminum Foil Pipe

    Prolonged exposure is bad, doing it once when you have nothing else to smoke out of doesn't matter.
  20. W

    Thanks for the help!