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  1. W

    Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) Mushrooms

    So I just ordered 1 oz. of Grade A Latvian Amanita Muscaria caps, and I was wondering if anybody has had any experience with these? If so, what's the best way to take them and what has been your experience with them?
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    Questions for T5 bay users

    What about a T10 tubular bulb?
  3. W

    Germination Question

    I bought 1 Autoflower Top 69 seed and got a free Sour Cream seed with it, so I was wondering if they are guaranteed to Germinate? They fucking better. I bought it from Attitude.
  4. W

    When topping, do you cut above the node, or right below the node, or doesn't matter?

    Why do people have to be assholes, grow up. You cut right above the top node.
  5. W

    Is it too hot?

    Yeah, I planted the seedling about 6-7 days ago, and it's still like 3 inches with the Cotyledons dying off now. I'm not sure if it's not growing because of shock or what.
  6. W

    Is it too hot?

    Yeah, it's 62% humidity here.
  7. W

    Leaves curling up, any ideas why?

    My guess is heat stress maybe? How hot is it in there?
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    it doesn't matter until it effects you

    2 million gallons? I don't think so, that sounds way too high.
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    Is it too hot?

    I put my seedling outside, it's about 2-3 inches tall and it's 89 degrees, and the Weather channel says it feels like 97. Is this bad for it?
  10. W

    Medical Marijuana Payback Burns Colorado Police

    LOL @ "The leaves, which are the only valuable part of the plant." Fucking stupid ass people.
  11. W

    Cannabis Ruderalis

    Oh that's true I didn't even think about that. Well, I'm sure I'll still like this weed, I'm used to mids anyway. Yeah I don't think this is Ruderalis only when you think about it though. If it was Ruderalis only then I'm sure it wouldn't have gotten anywhere near the ratings it got...
  12. W

    Cannabis Ruderalis

    Yeah, I know that it's just that everyone is calling Ruderalis ditch weed when this is basically pure Ruderalis from what I've read and this has good ratings and a good THC content. Which is what I don't understand.
  13. W

    Cannabis Ruderalis

    Yeah, it doesn't say anything about "Mostly Ruderalis" or like it's crossed with anything. I've just read bad things about it, like it's ditch weed but in reality 16% THC is pretty damn good.
  14. W

    Cannabis Ruderalis

    So I just bought a Top 69 seed and it's Ruderalis, but I've heard some pretty bad shit about ruderalis. Why is this at 16% THC with good ratings then???
  15. W

    how are most pot dealers caught?

    They open their stupid fucking mouths.
  16. W

    This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in

    Haha WHAT??? Look at the one that's like 4 inches and flowering, is that a Ruderalis, and how long did it take to get like that?
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    What's wrong with my cotyledon!

    Anyone, anyone?
  18. W

    best and strongest weed to grow ?

    Grow some Headband :)
  19. W

    What's wrong with my cotyledon!

    Well, I would post a picture but my cellphone camera has EXTREMELY SHITTY quality, so it wouldn't even be of any use to anyone. Anyway, plant looks VERY healthy except for one cotyledon. It's extremely small compared to the other one and it's wilting and turning brown, almost like someone...
  20. W

    I hope my mom dies

    Why's everyone talking shit? If my mom abused me I'd disown her cunt ass.