it doesn't matter until it effects you


Well-Known Member
i feel i have gained wisdom in my years by simply looking ahead when planning projects. before one even starts they should really take into consideration all possible events. it seems no one even thought of this one. :neutral:

damn you, ten character message


Active Member
look on the bright side. if you ride your jet ski there you can just stop and scoop some fuel in the tank.

does suck huh but not sure anyone could have avoided this eventually. it happened before and will happen again but it is still sad to see catastrophes like this.
When a catastrophy happens you do everything and anything to not let it happen again, this happened 31 years ago in 1979! you think we didnt have enough time to advance our safety practices in this industry? they advanced their production practices to drill deaper and farther, but I guess updating their safety programs would cost too much?!?! How about the cost of the 11 lives that were lost! Those 11 people are just pennies for BP! SHAME!
They could have avoided this by making sure their safety programs are up to date with what they are doing! This industry's safety program is from prior to 1979 thats for sure, but they sure put out alot of commercials stating how advanced their production is. Its like going to war with spears, arrows and leather armour in 2010...... Then saying I dont know why we lost that one, must have been just an accident, sometimes they just happen.

Sure fire way to not let it happen again......... no drilling! Look elsewhere for energy.
Safe way to drill........ redundant safety measures, multiple releif bores, have a plan in case of accidents.


Well-Known Member
Drill Baby Drill.....Drill Here Drill Now.....remember those words the Repukes the USA USA is suffering because of people who just wanted to Drill Baby Drill and Drill Here Drill Now unregulated... and you still have some Repukes who are defending BP.


Well-Known Member
did you see that shit today? fuck that guy. chickenshit bastard couldn't answer a question to save his life. or anyone else's. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
BP should be criminally charged for their negligence.
dude keeps up with his attitude and someones gonna jump the desk and strangle him.

and why wasn't obama there, punching him in the face like he said he was gonna do? "someones ass is gonna get kicked". :roll:


Well-Known Member
No this is not Obama's Katrina...Stop "TRYING" to blame everything on Obama....Remember the Repukes always wanted to DRILL BABY DRILL...I watched a Republican actually apologize to BP for Obama making sure that they paid up..WTF....all thru the campaign season against Obama and Mccain all you heard was the Repukes singing Drill Baby look


Well-Known Member
No this is not Obama's Katrina...Stop "TRYING" to blame everything on Obama....Remember the Repukes always wanted to DRILL BABY DRILL...I watched a Republican actually apologize to BP for Obama making sure that they paid up..WTF....all thru the campaign season against Obama and Mccain all you heard was the Repukes singing Drill Baby look
Obama is the president,It happened on his watch and over 2 months later he is still sitting on his ass doing nothing about it.


Well-Known Member
someone threatened to kick some ass.

waiting ...............................................................................



Well-Known Member
WOW really fdd you really took him literally ???? come now you better then that..nobody thought that Obama would secure that much dough from bp so quick...20 billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at...and remember there is no we can and will go back for more funds...after watching that Tony Hayward guy on TV yesterday I see why Obama said he did not want to talk to him...YOU GET NOTHING OUT OF HIM....!!!!!!

and Mindmelted you always are against Obama but do tell what you would have done...step by step...


Well-Known Member
WOW really fdd you really took him literally ???? come now you better then that..nobody thought that Obama would secure that much dough from bp so quick...20 billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at...and remember there is no we can and will go back for more funds...after watching that Tony Hayward guy on TV yesterday I see why Obama said he did not want to talk to him...YOU GET NOTHING OUT OF HIM....!!!!!!

and Mindmelted you always are against Obama but do tell what you would have done...step by step...

how about we ................................................

STOP THE LEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the reaaaallly scary part for me is that the 210,000 gallon per day estimate is from bp and they admit it's at the low end of the range. some scientists have estimated the flow as 10 times as much.
2 million gallons?

I don't think so, that sounds way too high.


Well-Known Member
WOW really fdd you really took him literally ???? come now you better then that..nobody thought that Obama would secure that much dough from bp so quick...20 billion dollars is nothing to sneeze at...and remember there is no we can and will go back for more funds...after watching that Tony Hayward guy on TV yesterday I see why Obama said he did not want to talk to him...YOU GET NOTHING OUT OF HIM....!!!!!!

and Mindmelted you always are against Obama but do tell what you would have done...step by step...

My ass would have been out there from day one with the best people in the world at my side and that would not be the people obama picked as his advisors that is for sure.

And that money is not in a american bank,so don't count your chickens until they hatch.


Well-Known Member
My ass would have been out there from day one with the best people in the world at my side and that would not be the people obama picked as his advisors that is for sure.

And that money is not in a american bank,so don't count your chickens until they hatch.
Dude you typing but saying nothing....ok you got the best people in the they have names???? and now that you have them out with you what would you do just stand there ???? and really your best answer is to say " money not in american bank yet..." I see RIU is still the same....


Well-Known Member
Dude you typing but saying nothing....ok you got the best people in the they have names???? and now that you have them out with you what would you do just stand there ???? and really your best answer is to say " money not in american bank yet..." I see RIU is still the same....

"well, i guess i could pick a little piece up. since i'm here and all." :)
