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  1. P

    Does this tiny lowryder 2# look ready?

    heres my tiny lowryder 2 # , only a bit bigger than my hand. Its soo small i cant tell , its like 8-9 weeks old. Should i leave it another week? Its outside in UK btw : )
  2. P

    Mint, Weed and Scent

    Wow so spending a shit ton of time on this site is a good excuse for you being arrogant or nieve? Having thousands of posts doesn't make you 'special' it just makes people think you have too much spare time and you need to get out more. And also , how does pineapple mint sound 'too ridiculous to...
  3. P

    Stealth dry for a tiny amount of weed?

    I have a very small amount of bud , like 5g wet. Whats an easy stealth way to dry it preferably outside. I cant use any electronic stuff. Could i just put it in a jar and open it 10 times a day asif i was curing it?
  4. P

    Would this be too small for a HPS light?

    Are CFls as bad as people make out though??
  5. P

    Would this be too small for a HPS light? I need to keep size down for stealth reasons so this is the tent i need , but will i be able to use hps lights or will it get too hot?
  6. P

    Anyone used NFT hydroponics?

    Hi there , as anyone use the nutriculture NFT system or similar? they look good. PEACE
  7. P

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    thinking of a tent instead
  8. P

    Is there such thing as a stealth tent?

    Ive been looking at the superbox , but decided it is a rip off, so what is the smallest possible tent available , that could fit and the things to make it stealthy ie, carbon filter. it would need to not be noticed in my room, Also what about noise? peace
  9. P

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    might just go for it then
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    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    thats the huge 3k deluxe though
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    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    How big are these 'hid' lighting systems? Would then need another fan etc because if so by the time i've done cooling it , there wont be any room for mj!
  12. P

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    Im emailing the guy from supercloset atm. Im going to see if he can remove the cfl and place a 250watt HID or something similar.
  13. P

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    What lighting should he use? Wouldn't any other get too hot? its only a small space and because its a hydroponic set up , wouldnt the excess heat cause too much water in the air? What about using LED lighting? I was going to use the cfl becuase that is what is included?
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    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    Thanks for the advice. Its just in a small space , other lighting systems would get too hot? What about LED?
  15. P

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    Stop it with your useless , big headed comments. I've been growing for around 2 decades outside , i'm new to all this indoor world. Now helpful comments please?
  16. P

    How much can i expect to yield? Please help : )

    Ok so im planning on buying a superbox from supercloset. i think its around a metre high? I would be growing hydro with a 200w cfl , what would i expect to yield from just 1 auto flowering plant? (have not chose a strain yet) peace
  17. P

    supercloset opinion / review?

    has any one ever used a supercloset? I am looking at the superbox which is the smallest. Only honest reviews or comments , i dont want to hear from people who have never had experience with one and just wants to tell me 'its a rip of you can make your own for a quater of the price' thanks
  18. P

    Thinking about getting a grow cabinet?

    bumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbump anyone
  19. P

    Thinking about getting a grow cabinet?

    hi i would like a grow cabinet like this only thing is i am in the UK not US. Is there any reputable uk / eu grow cabinets?
  20. P

    led light from fans affecting grow?

    They are autos by the way