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  1. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Things going well, one messed up plant from overwater or salt build up. But the other flowers are doing well. Male is dumping pollen (gave it a shake and could see the pollen flying around :P). So in a month or two i should have plenty of seeds to last me for a couple years :D Should have...
  2. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Lol LIES! So many threads online say coco is hydro keep it wet, keep it wet, dont let it dry. LIES! Lol IMHO ive found that i get much much much much much better growth treating it like soil. Maybe my coir is more coiry, maybe its my nutes or environment. But ive found letting it get dry (veg...
  3. StickyTreez

    What def/toxicity do i have :/?

    Ooops yah, its coco fed with little under 1 scoop Maxigro and i dont own a PH meter or ppm meter :P so i know that doesnt help but generally i havent needed one
  4. StickyTreez

    What def/toxicity do i have :/?

    Coco coir hand watered maxigro Would appreciate any input/advice. Think it might be because i dont get runoff often and salt buildup locking out my K? Ill probably flush and rewater with nutrients
  5. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Chugging along, previously ive had a bit of a salt and overwatering problem (i just want to love them!) but im getting much better and veg plants are greening back up and looking healthy :) Three of the newest (SourDiesel, 2 GrandaddyPurp) are doing awesome in my coco/cowcompost mix. Very...
  6. StickyTreez

    FLood and drain, need some tips/suggestions....

    Hey all, Looking to setup a 3'x3 or 4'x4 flood and drain table. 2 main questions, 1. What should i use to support the tray? Cinderblocks and a couple boards? Build a 2x4 frame? PVC frame? (plan on using an expanded silica rock similar to higromite, kinda heavy like lava rocks) 2. What...
  7. StickyTreez

    Flood and drain, DIY Table support.....?

    Looking to set up a 2x2' or 3x3' flood and drain at some point. -Was thinking about either getting ~10 cinder blocks and making three stacks and using those to support the tray. *Would be easy, cheap, and i assume three columns would be plenty to support the flooded table weight. *Chance of...
  8. StickyTreez

    * 600 HPS SoG/ScroG - Coco/Hydroton - 16oz (1/2 Liter) Beer Cups - Gravity Drip DTW *

    Wow nice journal sir, those are some great looking buds especially considering you used solocups the whole time. When you clone you say you use rockwool a dome and lots of airflow, how do you achieve this air flow?
  9. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Thanks for the thoughts/comments! Ironically iv had problems with the coco being too WET lol. Got fungus gnats at one point and ive been trying to let the coco get 'almost' dry. Ill look into drip havent really thought about it actually, and i settled on Sunleaves after considering lots of...
  10. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Greetings! Started my small medical grow a few years ago and decided to keep a journal/share it with you guys! Nothing special or big, starts off in the veg room where i have an LED (~180w) babies start off in rapid rooters then they move to Coco in solo cups and after they get big and...