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  1. StickyTreez

    Health issues(or benefits) from using Hallucinatory Substances....

    So my two drugs of choice are whiskey and cannabis, if you consider them drugs. Ive tried mushrooms twice and LSD once when i was younger and had a decent time but never rushed out to do a bunch more. My GF has anxiety and swears its from her having a bad trip of LSD in her early 20s. I know...
  2. StickyTreez

    Anybody doing any Breeding this summer?

    MrEDuck have you done this before? And does doing so create any predisposition towards being a hermie? Ive thus far been wary and steered cleared of buying (or producing) feminized/S1 seeds.
  3. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Wellllls the one messed up one looked worse and i went ahead and chopped. Hopefully the seeds are mature enough/bud isnt horrible. Other plants looking good and flood and drain working decently for coco. Seems too wet though even just running once. But plants look pretty healthy so I'm not...
  4. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Lol setting up the flood and drain, Drilled two holes, used the kit and some silicone to seal it all up. Zip tied the tubing just in case. Seemed to work but well see over the next couple days :P Also still have my 400w and coco plants, still need to run to the store for the 600w. Then ill...
  5. StickyTreez

    Anybody doing any Breeding this summer?

    Yah def had different phonos, the male is just a male no selection really. The Blue diesel female is a decent calyx to leaf pheno with some color and decent smoke/smell. Nothing amazing and i messed up the one from over water/salt build up. Got another BD pheno in veg that stinks already :)...
  6. StickyTreez

    Best pots for ebb and flow

    Ive seen plenty of ppls journals use both smart regular and net pots and do well, smart pots would probably need a little less watering. Is what im going to use because most net pots seemed way to flimsy for Flood and Drain table with...
  7. StickyTreez

    Anybody doing any Breeding this summer?

    Nice megatron, i am growing White Russian and Grandaddy Purp right now:P Have you flowered these strains out before? Recently i open pollinate bred New Blue Diesel Male* (sannies) with New Blue Diesel Female*, Soliliqueen Female* (dynasty seeds), and Noname Female* (lost breeder/bagseed idk...
  8. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Lol wow seeds are way more expensive than they can be. Estimating, Should net 100-500 seeds. :P And on a handful of small plants under a small light lol. AND most breeders dont even have F# generations they just open pollinate what other breeders have been breeding lol. Silly market (*not...
  9. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Lol, so my back flower is by far one of the healthiest looking flowers ive grown in this setup. I attribute that to the more balanced food 20-20-20. However....! Now instead of getting yellow leaves and dropping leaves, the bottom canopy has just a couple of leaves dying that look just like...
  10. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Not cheap to upgrade, guess not really expensive either. 3'x3' ABS Plastic Flood Tray $100 Heavy duty Net pots (25) $40 Ebb and Flow fitting kit $10 Expanded Silica rocks $40 Pump $15 Lumber for table...
  11. StickyTreez

    Why I will never smoke synthetic marijuana again.

    Had a friend of a friend get addicted to synth cannaboids and she has had a seizure and blacked out while driving..... crashed her car, and same thing says shell quit then ends up "relapsing". Stuff is miles away from being "synthetic marijuana" if it causes addiction, blackouts, seizures, and...
  12. StickyTreez

    * 600 HPS Vert ScroG - Coco/Hydroton - 1 Gal - Gravity Drip DTW *

    Dang sir looks like you ran into some problems :/ Thankfully ive never met spider mites *knocks on wood. But idk i thought EWC would be fairly safe to mix up to 30%, and your roots look pretty healthy compared to some of my plants that had overwatering/salt problems ** from what ive seen...
  13. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Lol not the best, need to borrow that nice digital camera. One that is back left is messed up from nute problems/salt buildup, closest to harvest. In the back newest is a SQ pheno, notice the deep green :) from feeding jacks instead of maxibloom (one thats all dead lost all the leaves to N def...
  14. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Lol so ive started using jacks 20-20-20 for Veg and Flowering, yellowing i was getting in flowering is going away now :P And it dissolves so much easier than Maxi. Really liking it although ill have to get something else for hydro since most of the nitrogen is urea based... Think jacks makes...
  15. StickyTreez

    First Country to RE legalize will be Uruguay....

    Yah lol, Heard the UK has had even more anti cannabis propaganda lately lol yah lame
  16. StickyTreez

    First Country to RE legalize will be Uruguay....

    Lol lots of $$$$$$$$$, but i guess less lobby power than the US ..... **referenced that legalization could make it more available to youth. However i think weve seen how that is the opposite. Regulation reduces underage access.
  17. StickyTreez

    First Country to RE legalize will be Uruguay....

    House has voted 50-46 to legalize marijuana and the president has been very adamant about legalization and the senate is supposedly going to pass it :P Only a matter of time until everyone follows our example. Although itll be a little sad that the US didnt legalize first all together :/ Ah...
  18. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Obvious that some of the SQ has been pollinated so tahts sweet :P Switched from maxigro/bloom to using Jacks 20-20-20 because my flowers keep turing yellow and losing leaves way to prematurely. Noname is getting some PHAT calyx so kinda sad i never cloned it, but hoping i get a couple seeds...
  19. StickyTreez

    Daniel Chong Almost died due to DEA abuse... awarded 4$ million

    Am i seriously the first to post this Been on norml and bbc. Detained by the DEA and "forgotten" for 4 days. Had to drink his urine to survive. The long list of abuses by the dea, fucking sick. God i wish i could beat the fuck outa the people...
  20. StickyTreez

    400w Coco Perpetual Grow

    Took out the male today, plenty of pollen has been released and im sure ill be getting plenty of seeds considering i clone until i flower out each pheno. (or at least try in the past lol). Although hopefully with my new hydro setup (getting stuff slowly lol) ill be able to flower out more phenos...