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  1. dankesthours182

    Is it possible?

    as far as whether hermies that become that way b/c of environmental factors... hmm.. that's a good question, whether or not that causes the clones to be.. I'm sure it's here on RIU somewhere. almost everything already is. it's just so difficult to locate all the info
  2. dankesthours182

    Is it possible?

    generally speaking if you see something in the genetics of a plant occur that you don't like, it's always best to not clone it, as that simple decision cuts those genetics off right then and there, saving you the headache later. it's anyone's guess, but i'd try to cut my losses on those mothers...
  3. dankesthours182

    Fish Emulsion Fert. + seaweed Fert.

    DAMN, MY PLANTS ARE SO SMALL! idk, i guess i just need to get the hang of this. i'm doing a bagseed and then 3topskunk44, 3 mandala#1, and 3 8miles high, and, doing chem nutes on all the bagseed but 2, then chem on six of the genetics, then three organic (i'm inexperienced, and i've heard chem...
  4. dankesthours182

    Top dress with epsom salts and garden lime

    never tried it myself, but that's what i'm going to do. use about half what the instructions call for and experiment with one plant at full strength if you can spare it (i know, it's rough. i'll let you know how it goes for me when i try next week or so. luck!
  5. dankesthours182

    A little secret by the name of Humi-Zyme...

    yes, but the point is that it is only mostly organic, as foxfarm, which i bough not quite understanding this. idc, really, but now i know i can't use it on my garden (Organic Certification being awaited) but it sure looks great for ganja! I think I'll check it out. Have you found any good...
  6. dankesthours182

    foxfarm growbig for veg, tiger bloom for flower? input please

    yeah, after some research i'd say buy the FF big three , and about the non organic contents, i guess we should really all understand that FF is mostly organic and that there is no "mostly organic" section. but that doesn't help me in my real garden, which i am trying to get an organic...
  7. dankesthours182

    foxfarm growbig for veg, tiger bloom for flower? input please

    and. not organic?? mine says its organic! i think... i'm not checking it now, but i have FFgrowbig and bigbloom. i thought it was organic...? idk, i didn't buy it, a friend had some from last year. is it even good still, i wonder? any help with these things would be great. anyone? FFexperts?
  8. dankesthours182

    foxfarm growbig for veg, tiger bloom for flower? input please

    wow four weeks? in or outdoors? i'm intruiged
  9. dankesthours182

    Free SSH seeds from

    wow, and this site is one that ships to the US? sorry if it's an annoying question, but i don't generally click on links (for virus protection) and i am on here every day. love it RIU rox
  10. dankesthours182

    Grow Op

    i know i'm planning on going into a business with a friend of mine in about a year or so and she's growing shroomies to fund her end of the deal (plus cutting a few costs, as I also have done) but our business plan is pretty solid and we're already an LLC, have developed lines of credit that...
  11. dankesthours182

    ROUND 3: 1600w MH/Super HPS LST Bubblelicious & Blackjack Grow

    cant wqait to see this one wrap up
  12. dankesthours182

    First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

    hey, awesome, i have been ooking ofr a good pic on early lst, this is perfect. I'm lst a few outdoor bagseeds right now, and then i'm going to lst some mandala#1, ,mandala*mmilesHigh, and TopSkunk44. i've begun at the fifth week of growth, plant about 18 cm and three or four set of leaves, and i...
  13. dankesthours182

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    *sigh* and yet I still fell to over nuting and over/underwatering.
  14. dankesthours182

    Flushing, can you still use molasses?

    i think that this thread is GREAT. exciting, i'm seriously thinking about going completely organic (i organically foliar feed, but my nutes are chem. i've heard a lot of good about organics, idk, i think I'll do half and half I'll be posting pics this coming week, going to be SO EXCITING< and...
  15. dankesthours182

    foliar spray help me

    liquid seaweed/kelp. my plants lovw it, and even though i grossly over use it *Noob* it has never even burned a seedling of mine, out of about ten different plants including weed, and about a hundred or so seedlings being fed it. also, it's supposed to be a fairly sustainable thing, soit's not...
  16. dankesthours182

    Plants too tiny

    i bought topsoil, 100 kilos of it and it was all chunky and shitty and i was pissed, so i used it for my vegetable garden, nad it did alright, but still, it needed a LOT of perlite and i had to take a lot of tree bark and woodchips out of it as to not obstruct root growth. i wonder if it...
  17. dankesthours182

    Guess That Price!

    a little less than i pay anywhere on the east coast (still ridiculous) but fair in todays current market (as long as the smoke tastes like blueberry, not just the bud) I just bought a zip+1/8 for four hundred and it was northern lights/blueberry hybrid. good stuff. I'm planning on growing and...
  18. dankesthours182

    Grow Op

    there must be many people growing, laundering, and expanding their small businesses this way.
  19. dankesthours182

    Grow Op

    *blushes strongly* i was really stoned when I came up with this idea, don't take me too seriously, now. I'm just curious about the business. I'm doing a project of a projected business plan in criminal law class and it has to be illegally funded but feasible.
  20. dankesthours182

    test ph of soil

    same here. liquid test kit and a cheapo soil probe. i check twice, but i'm out of my H20 Kit and my probe is broken (ithink) as above noted by another probe user. idk where to get a good one cheap. . . get what you pay for i guess