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  1. bjeminyro

    are they looking healthy pics?

    a plant's growth is limited by the amount of space it's roots have to grow. if you leave them in there they'll probably start getting real stretchy. Don't use "a good amount of nutes" just use them as directed and tamper with the amount a bit to get to your plants liking, each strain can be...
  2. bjeminyro

    is this a male or a female?

    you've got male.
  3. bjeminyro

    Is it to late to top?

    no definitely not too late to top it. you got plenty of time.
  4. bjeminyro

    are they looking healthy pics?

    ya lookin real fresh, maybe time to transplant them into something a little bigger. What strain are they?
  5. bjeminyro

    Did I plant too soon?

    did you plant seeds or clones? if they were clones and you had them under, say 20 hours of light, they may think it's time to start flowering because the number of "daylight" hours for them has changed somewhat drastically.
  6. bjeminyro

    Flash SUPER Autos

    lol nothin? c'mon guys, I know they're new but someones gotta have tried them out or at least is trying them out..haha anyone?
  7. bjeminyro

    Male - Female Distances

    Hey guys I got a guerilla grow going on in the wilderness. I've grown indoors and a couple small attempts in the past with outdoors. I started seedlings (MANDALA #1, HIMILAYA GOLD, LSD, VANILLA KUSH and a few super autos) indoors then brought them outside about a month ago. For the most part the...
  8. bjeminyro

    Flash SUPER Autos

    Just got my beans in today (Nirvana Sky, Annapurna, Number One), a little late I know but they aren't the only thing I have going on...Anyone try any of these things out yet? How well are they grown outdoors? How's the potency? How do they react to nutes, LST, topping etc.? Maybe most...
  9. bjeminyro

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Have you attempted to use this technique outdoors? Does it have the same effect? I'm planning on trying this out on at least one of my babes...
  10. bjeminyro

    street lights?

    To put it simply...Yes.
  11. bjeminyro

    Experts please advise..

    Did you have them inside under lights that stay on longer than the sun is out? If so it may have tricked the plant into thinking it's already changing seasons. It'll recover.
  12. bjeminyro

    Help my plants are getting too tall.

    I second that. LST my friend, it does wonders.
  13. bjeminyro

    What would you do next?

    I would LST that bitch. Start training her to control the height and get some serious colas on the side branches. As far as nutes, since it's guerrilla I'd say something time released like Organicare or Heavy Harvest.
  14. bjeminyro

    Outdoor plant it and leave it

    Organicare is what I'm using. It's organic and time released. I've used it with good success.
  15. bjeminyro

    Ortho max

    ORTHO MAX Flower, Fruit & Vegetable. anyone ever use this stuff or heard anything about it? Will it prevent insects or just kill them? I bought it wanting to control and prevent a potential insect problem.
  16. bjeminyro

    Ortho max

    ORTHO MAX Flower, Fruit & Vegetable. anyone ever use this stuff or heard anything about it? Will it prevent insects or just kill them? I bought it wanting to control and prevent a potential insect problem.
  17. bjeminyro

    ground VS 5 gallon buckets

    obviously planting straight into the ground with amended soil is the best bet for maximum yield but but how exactly how much higher of a yield would it produce? Is there really that much of a difference? Is the convenience of a bucket worth the lesser harvest? Lets say for example we use a...
  18. bjeminyro

    Outdoor plant it and leave it

    since you won't be visiting the plants much for watering..get 4 inch PVC piping, cut it at 4 feet, drill small holes in it approximately every 4-6 inches, cap bottom, put a piece of screen on the top (to filter debreis debris) and put it in the ground next to the plant. this will gather some...
  19. bjeminyro

    How do I get started in this?

    1. get some seeds, whether it be online (i've had many successful buys) or bag seed. 2. Germinate those mofo's. i started out by folded 2 paper towels in half dampening them and puttin them in a ziplock bag, no sealed. be careful not to soak the paper towels otherwise they'll be prone to rot or...
  20. bjeminyro

    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    ya definitely put holes in the bottom and make sure the bottom inch or 2 of that barrel is rocks for drainage purposes!