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  1. bjeminyro

    growing in deer infested woods. what should i do?

    collect your pee in a gallon jug and spread it around the babes. moth balls. bars of soap and shavings of soap. human hair from a local hair cutter or buzz your own off! fishing line fence at 16" 30" and 50". you can also buy plenty of stuff at your local nursery.
  2. bjeminyro

    Anybody grow in pine trees?

    I wouldn't grow under pine trees, for stealth purposes you can plant amongst them that way come fall when all the other vegetation has died (except your babe and the pine trees) your girls won't be as noticeable. Another use for pine trees is to alter the light cycle of the plant a bit. Under a...
  3. bjeminyro


    A real cheap solution: get some copper wire cut it up and roll it around the base of your plants. this will act as a "protective barrier" for your babes from the evil slug monsters. You could also go to your local garden shop or Home Depot etc. and pick up some slug bait, also relatively...
  4. bjeminyro


    I just saw a post almost identical to this so I'll tell you the same thing. In my experience topping won't double your yield. The main reason for topping is to get 2 main cola's instead of one (2 smaller cola's then if you had kept the 1) and control the height of the plant. Topping will cause...
  5. bjeminyro

    help sexing plants

    #3 is definitely a female. The first one looks like a hermie to me. As for #2, I'd say male. But I'd give them a little more time.
  6. bjeminyro


    Unfortunately my friend, whoever told you that was misinformed. It's up to debate whether topping actually increases your yield by that much if any. For the most part topping is used to control the height of the plant. However, instead of one main cola you will have two but they will be...
  7. bjeminyro

    I need advice from a pro.

    don't let your plants get thirsty! and try to avoid spraying the leaves. I use to do that but learned that the water on the leaves actually magnifies the suns intensity and burns the leaves.
  8. bjeminyro

    If NeL is done growing forever..........

    searched for exactly what you said..I understand he was a OG (original grower) of some sorts but what happen to him?
  9. bjeminyro

    WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT THAT...No Really I want to know because its my first grow:)

    try using NEEM, it's good for a wide variety of bugs and mold problems.
  10. bjeminyro

    when is the most important time to fertilize?

    i'd say nutes are important throughout the entire process for the optimum plant, but if your strapped for cash and want to cut some corners i'd definitely say during flowering.
  11. bjeminyro

    Bloom Nutes?

    if your not going to be able to visit your babes very often I recommend using a slow release nute such as Organicare.
  12. bjeminyro


    Anyone else going any Mandala strains guerilla style? I got #1's and Satori's going right now..They grow so fast and so beautifully. They're light feeders, big growers and very pest and mold resistant. My babes were born May 16th and as of today, June 28th they're almost 4 feet tall! Viva la...
  13. bjeminyro

    Begginer grower. :) check it out wut ya think.

    Ya your going to need stronger lights to take it much further..or outside?
  14. bjeminyro

    bad strain?

    Yes it would still be "dro". Dro is just weed grown hyDROponically.
  15. bjeminyro

    HELP!! My plant is about to die, what do I do?!!

    I don't think it's the nutrients. You typically don't even need them for at least the first month. Even at 3 weeks your girls looking a little small. Don't over water and get them under more light.
  16. bjeminyro

    Need Help Diagnosing Two Plants... +Rep

    It looks like nute burn to me man, see how the tips are brown and "burnt"? Those small yellow spots? I wouldn't worry though she'll be fine, very mild case.
  17. bjeminyro

    my plants so far what kind do you think they are indica or sativa

    ya I'd definately say Sativa, the leaves are so long and thin. Another reason I think so is the way it's growing, it's a taller lankier plant while a Indica tends to be shorter and bushier with broader leaves.
  18. bjeminyro

    Flash SUPER Autos

    well I got them in and germ'd those bitches. They all popped within 48 hours (4 of the 12 in less than a day) and are looking real strong.
  19. bjeminyro

    Ortho max

    hey guys I know nobody showed any real interest in this thread but I figured I'd let y'all know anyway...this stuff works great! one of my baby Himilaya Gold's were literally getting eaten alive, most of the fan leaves were all holes or non existent and the new growth was severely hindered. Once...
  20. bjeminyro

    Guerilla growers

    personally I like to grow multiple strains that way I can keep it fresh. The only reason I'd say it'd be easier would be because for the most part they'd all use the same amount of nutes and have the same growing characteristics and finish time.