Search results

  1. kremnon

    Ready to Chop?.. Pics..

    do u have a mircroscope? it's the best way to tell peak ripeness... PEACE. right now i have and erkle X Flo clones available ...
  2. kremnon

    Cloning! Do you use Powder, Gel, or Liquid?

    in my experience the gels work alot better than the powder. i recommend olivias, rootone, and clonex. the olivias have added nutes for robust rooting PEACE
  3. kremnon

    Drug Tests

    if u have to test theres a drink called Vale. works good, just drink two hours before test. PEACE
  4. kremnon

    Curing in jars question

    how long did u let them dry before u put them in jars. chances are they werent smelling like hay unitl u locked em up. that means they werent dry enough to be burped and ur getting methane smell because theres moisture. take them back out for a few more days and the smeell shuld dissappate...
  5. kremnon

    SB420 law?

    renewing every year is just to prove your in contact with ur dr. and they are currently overseeing " " your health and therapy with cannabis.
  6. kremnon

    SB420 law?

    as long as it's for personal use and the cops cant prove otherwise hes ok. i still use my afidavit from '05 saying i can grow 6 pounds P.S. indoors that can be a lot of plants
  7. kremnon

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    your dry weight is gonna be some where around 30% of ur wet weight. hope it helps u guess how much u have it's hard to tell yield from a pic. it's more related to canopy size
  8. kremnon

    Cops Searching you

    they have a right to search ur person but need permission from u or a warrant to search ur car
  9. kremnon

    What is bagseed?

    this is bag seed
  10. kremnon

    SB420 law?

    OK EVERYBODY the state guidelines are only a floor limit. meaning no county or city can pass an ordiance limiting less than these. this is just a protection. your doctor can give u an addendum to ur note to have a larger garden. it's all not neccicary as long as ur grow isn't over a hundred...
  11. kremnon

    Soil - Please Reply

    i don't like shultz products or MG BUT IF U WANT GOOD herb grow organic get sum good potting soil at ur local nursury add worm castings and perlite and ull be happy
  12. kremnon

    g13 labs power skunk 8 weeks flowering *pics*

    looks like a nice sativa what did she smoke like? my care taker is growing one for me out doors ill shoot u a pic. the plant has a real strong skunk aroma already and isn't even floewering yet. PEACE
  13. kremnon

    Soil question?

    it all depends on what ferts are in the soil. i wouldnt use miricle grow it's real chemmy, but osmocote is pretty kind and usually wont burn any thing cuz it's time release.
  14. kremnon

    just took a bunch of clones. ill send u pics of the mothers. u might be interseted. PEACE

    just took a bunch of clones. ill send u pics of the mothers. u might be interseted. PEACE
  15. kremnon

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    so whats the update on ur girlz?
  16. kremnon

    Hermie stressed or just a Hermie?

    if it has a full male flower, meaning anthers and like a little umbrella then it's a true hermie. but if it's just anthers (pollen sac) then it's just light stressed. PEACE ive had good results going thru attitude
  17. kremnon

    help a hermie

    sorry to hear all that. u got access to clones?
  18. kremnon

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    fuck those rippers1111!!! nothins safe anymore
  19. kremnon

    help a hermie

    ARE U SURE IT'S A HERMIE AND NOT JUST ACCIDENTALLY LIGHT POISONEDoops i mean could u have opened the door to ur grow or switched the light on just to go in or sum?