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  1. K

    Can I add soil to increase depth?

    Satch - Thanks for advice. yeah I think I'm just stressing a little! Must try the fish emulsion... any recommendations on type and ratio etc?
  2. K

    3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??

    Supernova - looking great! nice green colour and lots of buds developing and only 3 weeks! I can't wait to see the harvest!
  3. K

    Can I add soil to increase depth?

    hmm thanks, so basically the existing roots won't grow up into the new soil and the stem will not grow new roots out into the new soil, so it is fairly pointless... May just help condition the soil below where the roots are though. Overall my plants seem to be doin quite well, so maybe I am...
  4. K

    Can I add soil to increase depth?

    Hi guys n girls! Just a quick question... I have an outdoor grow going on this year and rather than using pots I decided this year to just dig a large area and create a raised bed. The problem is I have about 12" x 12" between each plant but I think I only have about 6" depth of good...
  5. K

    how long?

    You did dilute the nutes didn't you??:-|
  6. K

    Yellow new growth normal?

    Originally potted in a homemade mix of 30% farmyard manure, 50% potting compost, 10% sand, 10% topsoil. PH is around 6.5 Nutes are Sensi grow and bloom. 2.5ml per liter. I did the first bloom nute after 1 week of flowering. Oh and temps are around 20 - 28 deg celcius.
  7. K

    Yellow new growth normal?

    Hey guys, I have been working hard to get my grow shed finished while all along looking after my babies! I still have a bit of work to do and i will be sheeting the walls with white plastic tonight. I have a question. The plants are about 4-5 weeks old and the LR2 have just started to flower so...
  8. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    My plants love it in this cab! Really growing well and starting to smell abit too, never thought i'd be cab sniffin ganja in the shed! I think i put a little too much nutes in the first feed so I have done 2 waters since and next one will be nutes but 1/2 mix. Newgrowth thanks for help but that...
  9. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Right I hope my babies are gonna really appreciate this!:mrgreen: Cleaned and painted the inside, cut two holes at the back one near the base and one at the top (no exhaust fans though), got the Sunmate and 150W 6400k cfl in and all is looking much neater. There is good air circulation with the...
  10. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Right I need help again! Outside temperature at the moment is between 8-12C @ night and 12-20C during day, and this is summer!!! Now it may heat up soon when the weather turns good but still it never really goes above 25C on a good summers day. As you know my growcabinet is in my shed outside...
  11. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Thanks for advice, I will be going with a indica type or lowryder/dwarf type. Veg for 3-5 weeks (until 18" or so) and then flower. During flower then I will try to tie down any strays. I have 150w blue cfl with a pretty cool reflector for veg, 400w HPS air cooled hood with acoustic ducting and...
  12. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    I have gone ahead and ordered a load of stuff and should be with me in a couple of days! Weather is getting worse here so i'll be calling off my outdoor grow for a while and focusing on my grow room!
  13. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Ok change of plan... I have taken my babies out from that crap weather (Picture1) and stuck em in a cabinet in the shed (picture 2) you can just make it out behind the lawnmower ;). I have used the aerogarden as a tempory 24hr light source until I get some cfls. I am tempted to use this cabinet...
  14. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Newgrowth - I hear what you say but I feel pretty safe with the area I am in. I certainly will be careful with this setup. Pandabear - hydro def seems to be the way to go. I have an Aerogarden thingy and stuff thrives in it! Problem is I bought it for my wife and she uses it for herbs and...
  15. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Great advice guys I will plan around this idea then. I'll start preparing the cabinet and have another think on what lighting I need and where to put them... I might have two seperate areas mebbe? Ah i'll have a think, any more ideas would be great btw:mrgreen:
  16. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Cool ok. I wasn't going to scrog with an autoflowering strain but I was going to run an autoflowering along with a scrog. That way I can veg for along time to allow the scrog to grow and fill the screen and also be flowering a few LR2's at the same time. What light settings timewise did you run...
  17. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Wow thanks alot for all your help so quickly! I have had a thought on all of your comments Primeralives your scrog looks awsome!! The only thing is i don't know if i could wait that long in the veg stage... I am thinking of perhaps increasing the length of the cabinate to nearly 8ft to allow me...
  18. K

    Can a low height growroom work?

    Hi all! I have a neat little area in my large shed which I am thinking of using as a growroom. Dimensions are approx 6ft x 2ft x 4ft. In order to make this a stealthy growcabinet I am restricted on the height to only 4ft and so I have a couple of questions: a) What is the best setup to have with...
  19. K

    first grow

    Gricka, very interesting, ur idea about a mini greenhouse. I am thinking of using these domes i have and as the plant gets bigger i am going to make a transparent tube with holes in and place the dome on top to allow the plants to grow or until like you said the weather turns good... My only...
  20. K

    first grow

    Hey Gricka, this is my first post and my first real grow! I have a kinda guerilla outdoor grow thing going on! I have 10x LR#2, 6x Purple power, 4x Thai Haze, 4x Early mistys and 2x Hollands Hope. Quite a combination! I soaked seeds to germinate and then potted in shed and within a few days of...