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  1. TheGreenBiologist

    problem flowering/budding pics help

    I'm no expert, but I think your giving that girl too much feed. Every 2-3 days sounds kinda excessive. Post this in the Marijuana Plant Problems forum, I'm sure you'll get good help there. Not to mention there is a really good sticky that will help you determine what problems you might have...
  2. TheGreenBiologist

    PICS: Ready for flowering stage?

    What's a decent yield will obviously vary tremendously from person to person. But they're right, it probably won't yield that much if you go to 12/12. I'm guessing the plant is only a few weeks old, it's just starting to veg. and you want that thing to grow like a champ, you gotta take...
  3. TheGreenBiologist

    Missing article in FAQ

    In the FAQ Main Category #2 - How to grow marijuana Sub Category - Sexing Article name - How do I sex using a paper bag? Every time try to bring the article up, it loads for a little bit and then says done, yet the screen is blank. Any suggestions? I mean, I understand the method, I just...
  4. TheGreenBiologist

    Horses ate my plants

    Was the horse's name Buttercup? :mrgreen: Sorry to hear about your plants, I guess every animal loves grass!
  5. TheGreenBiologist

    My Seeds arrived! Mad stealth mode ;-)

    I love the title of the thread! The "Mad stealth mode" part sounds like exactly something me and my boys would say :bigjoint:
  6. TheGreenBiologist

    Newbie Grow lights questions

    It's all about your growroom and your grow situation. Both lights have their ups and downs, I am using fluro's for heat and power purposes like you said. Nocturn is right, but make sure you understand what he's saying. He is making the cost and heat comparison based on wattage. This is...
  7. TheGreenBiologist

    Flowering advice

    So they grew 3 feet in 4 weeks?? or do you mean four weeks after they actually started the flowering cycle? ....and by the way, im glad this thread was made, because i have almost the exact same set-up. 14 plants from bagseed, 44 days old, grown under four 4-foot fluro's, and are plants are...
  8. TheGreenBiologist

    First Grow: How's she doing guys?

    Yea you usually start out with one type of feed during the veg. and another during flowering. I'm using a 20/20/20 for my veg. right now. If I were you, I would go buy some water-soluble plant feed, you can find it at home depot, wal-mart or anywhere that has garden supplies. Get the kind...
  9. TheGreenBiologist

    First Grow: How's she doing guys?

    Looking really good, nice job! Doesn't look like it will be anything more than an ounce or two. Not sure why that one guy thinks your gonna get 2 pounds :eyesmoke: hahaha
  10. TheGreenBiologist

    Male? , Female? Or Too Early To Tell?

    I'm going with NoDrama on this one. First , the picture is not clear enough quality to tell for sure. To me, that looks like new growth, yes it looks pretty round, but that does not mean that they are pollen balls. I have been growing 14 plants for exactly 44 days (same as the poster) and...
  11. TheGreenBiologist

    How much water?

    I added the nutrients about 3-4 hours before the dark cycle, to make sure that the water soaked all the way down. The plants responded like absolute beats! They all have grown substantially since the watering and look even fuller! :mrgreen:
  12. TheGreenBiologist

    foil on walls?

    Some of those foil products do work, but it some situations it can actually intensify the light into a tiny area, possibly burning the leaves. You know, kinda like how you would burn ants with a magnifying glass as a kid haha. White FTW!
  13. TheGreenBiologist

    How much water?

    I was going off the advice of my Uncle who has growing since '79 hahaha so he better not steer me in the wrong direction! haha Thanks for response. Yea I noticed that my watering period went from 5 days to four days and now its about every 3 days. The plants are 40 days old. They have been...
  14. TheGreenBiologist

    A Quick Question

    The fan-leaves are the plant's way of creating a better leaf area ratio (LAR). The LAR is the ratio comparing the amount of leaf area per unit total plant mass. Since the leaves are responsible for collecting all the energy to drive the plant; the plant benefits from producing thin branches...
  15. TheGreenBiologist

    indoor vs outdoor

    Entirely too many variables to compare the two. There both great! bongsmilie
  16. TheGreenBiologist

    How much water?

    So I distilled a gallon of water and added 1/2tsp. of the 20-20-20 to it, and then watered my plants like I normally do, except this time I recorded how much I used. I calculated it out to be about 6.1 fl. oz. per plant. This sounded kind of low to me after I thought about it, but the plants...
  17. TheGreenBiologist

    How much water?

    Thanks a lot for the tip. I was just wondering how much water you guys would put in a 6"x6"x6" pot, medium:potting mix? I was trying to use this to accurately measure the feed I'm adding
  18. TheGreenBiologist

    How much water?

    Anyone got an approximation for me? Sorry to be impatient, but I am about to add my first batch of 20-20-20, just wanted the perfect amount of water to go with it :bigjoint: -Thanks
  19. TheGreenBiologist

    How much water?

    My plants are almost 40 days old, and about 16" tall. There are each in 6"x6"x6" pots. I just really want to know what you guys think when it comes to exactly how much water should I be putting on each plant? I water about every 4 days, or when the soil looks ready for a drink. What do you...
  20. TheGreenBiologist

    Early Sexing?

    Thanks for the quick responses guys! I'll keep them on the 18/6 and try to see if I can tell, if not, pictures will be coming soon haha