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  1. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    i know sitting around stoned and thinking is a dangerous thing coloring?

    i remember way back in grade school we put food coloring in a flower vases water and it changed the white flowers color. im sure it would change pots color too if added to the water you fed it as it was alive. i know that is extremely pointless. but maybe cool? you could color code different...
  2. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    Best bait to catch stripper and cat fish

    you know... its weird, but catfish really respond to WD-40. just spray a little on the worm or jig or whatever and yeah... works. seriously, try it. go fishing with a buddy, same spot same bait, one with wd-40, one without. see who gets more. id put money on it.
  3. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

    well i really dont think its "runting" its developmentally ahead of the others its age. its not as wide as the others from leaf tip to leaf tip but thats only because of how the leaves curl. again, it looks really healthy the leaves only curl because of its deformity... the nodes are coming in...
  4. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

    well its alot bigger now... newer leaves are showing some serration but are still very rounded. got a little background on the pot. i know the guy that grew it through a friend of a friend. my buddy talked to him and he said something along these lines. -that seed came from a strain i came...
  5. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    uv light

    yeah piss in your soil and leave it on your window sill. smells better than bullshit.
  6. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    What will yield more?!?!

    either one. try both and determine what works best for you. seems like you could develop a technique that incorporates the ideas behind both of them. a screen "shelf" that sits just above the pot. the plant would grow up through the screen and you could keep topping it and use the screen for tie...
  7. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

    thanks guys thats some really great input. makes sense too. the other seeds from the same batch have really fat leaves too as well. i noticed that immediately after sprouting.none of them are gaining much height either. well whatever it is i hope it does well. little freak.. any tips come to...
  8. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

    here she is a little older. still havent seen any pic of plants like her. starting to see super slight ridges come in. i wonder if she will eventually become normal? has anyone ever seen this before? weird how the leaves curl under but not really in an unhealthy way. already has its first little...
  9. MitsyMuffinsMedical


    take it easy. are you out or something? ya blowhard.
  10. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    i huffed spraypaint!!!!!

    how do you smoke a miller lite?
  11. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    refrigerate fox farm?

    thanks guys
  12. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    refrigerate fox farm?

    so do you think i should refrigerate my mixed but un-used fart water? i never have but i was thinking i should. i had some molasses water that sat for about a week. shit smelled nasty, so i didnt use it. i got some fox farm today, fed and now im left with about a half gal of it mixed. alot more...
  13. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    2700 year old marijuana found....

    FAKE! so fake! we all know, ya know. . .
  14. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    Feel Free to Call me Stupid!

    old trim prob wouldnt do that much for ya anyway. toss it. maybe an alcohol based extraction method would kill anything off? god you're stupid.
  15. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    How does this plant look?

    god damnit.
  16. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    seeds seeds seeds and the screaming females

    well i guess whatever youve been growing is good cause youre fucking high.
  17. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    money maker

    you know cokes really expensive too. why dont you just sell good pot at a fair price like everyone else? fuck, man. no one around here would wanna buy coke weed either. you realize to make coke smoke-able you have to cook it with baking soda right? you know what that is? fucking crack. your...
  18. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    money maker

    yeah. why cant i get a break, when people like this d bag get hella? this guy is obviously a dick that doesnt really care about process and technique. i would love some replies on my posts but i guess people see this guy as so helpless he cant find shit on his own. what a crotch.
  19. MitsyMuffinsMedical

    A few quick questions reguarding iso (ie rubbing alcohol) hash!

    if i know anything about making tinctures, which i guess i do. soak that shit for a while... seems like if you look up "green dragon" or whatever they always say to soak for at least a week. years ago i tokk an eighth and soaked it in about 1 1/2 ounces everclear for 2 weeks. shook it up every...