Search results

  1. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

  2. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    This is redundantly stupid. You've NEVER tested my lights, only INFERIOR LED products. You continue to show your lack of intelligence by making claims about lights you've never used. Other people have already pointed out that your opinion has no swing here, so becoming more of a douche isn't...
  3. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    Thank you for voicing your opinion in a respectable manner. It's fine for people to disagree, but the level some of you take it to is a bit ridiculous. I appreciate people like you who know how to handle themselves appropriately. The whole point of the demonstration is to do as you just...
  4. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    By the way everyone, I just got off the phone with Ed Rosenthal so I wanted to give you an update. He has setup two rooms side-by-side, measuring 4' x 4' each. In one room he is running a 1000W HPS, and in the other he is using 3, 318W LED units (totaling 954W). The strain he is using for the...
  5. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    Amazing how I LEFT the other forums, and not the other way around. I wasn't banned, I request my accounts be deleted, interesting huh? The reason I left GC, was due to assholes like you who just can't seem to mind their own business or not start drama. So I'll go ahead and annoint you the...
  6. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    Wow, the scum of the internet has slimily made it's way to RIU. What a shame, as I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we don't want your kind here. We've all seen your type: "I've tried everything, and got screwed on all of it, so my ego's crushed and there is no way that anyone will...
  7. LEDGirl

    126W Penetrator LED Bloom Test

    Alright, so it's time for an update: Two days ago I put 4 plants into a small aeroponics unit, within a small room. The light stayed on the entire day, and throughout the following, meaning that they had 1 day to adjust to the new system prior to going into bloom. Last night the light went out...
  8. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    How tall will your plants be when you put them into bloom? Do you top them? What size of a canopy area will all 12 plants occupy? Let me know the answers and I'll let you know what would work best in your area ;)
  9. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    I haven't noticed any extended flowering time with these LED's, if anything the process has sped up. As far as my own garden, I switched many weeks ago to LED from HID, as I had finally landed on a production model light. Prior to that were many test models and many test grows that led me to...
  10. LEDGirl

    No Response On Advertising

    Several weeks ago I made a post asking for information on advertising on these forums. I was told to contact the admin on the site, of which I did, and I've since emailed through the "advertise here" banners several times. I have not received a single piece of information regarding...
  11. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    The forum is only a place for me to post information or answer questions related to LED's. If you have any sales related questions, please send them to the email on the Hydro-Grow-LED website.
  12. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    Thanks :) I'm really excited for other people to begin posting their results. It's one thing for me to show people what they can do, but it means so much more when it comes from independent users. I've never wanted people to solely trust my word on things (although it's kinda nice lol), I'd...
  13. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    I'll retract my previous (cautious) statement then lol. Your talking about 40W LED per square foot in your tent. The 318W units pack more punch than the 126's, and you should have no problem destroying your previous results, and the results of your 600W HPS. I look forward to seeing the...
  14. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    While you can still achieve very large colas with LED, your buds may not be as large as the ones you posted. The buds under LED will be far more dense though, so what really matters here is the weight. I'm in no way saying your buds won't be as large with our lights (as I forgot what you...
  15. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    Me Either! Then again, I can't wait till half of the people who already have units start posting their results lol. Hopefully Ed gets started this week. I'll give him a call tomorrow to check in ;)
  16. LEDGirl

    Led autoflowering

    I mean no disrespect, but don't expect to yield hardly anything with the lights you have (not the 300W guy). You're talking about 76W of unspecific LED wavelengths at a 120 degree emitting angle. If a light only uses red/blue, it lacks over half the spectral output needed for photosynthesis...
  17. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    You can get a better coverage area using multiple 126W units, vs a 318W unit, in terms of watts per square foot. The 318W unit certainly packs more watts into a square foot, but a lot of people are more concerned about coverage area, which is why there are different units to allow flexibility...
  18. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    I know exactly what you mean. My first grow was split between a small closet and a cabinet I bought at home depot. It took me quite a while to build a garden to the level that it is now. The question you really need to ask yourself, is how many watts do you want per square foot? if you're...
  19. LEDGirl

    Marijuana Bloom with 504W LED

    No, a single LED burning out does not affect the power to the rest of the panel.
  20. LEDGirl

    126W Penetrator LED Bloom Test

    The way you regulate height with these LED's, is by raising or lowering the light from your canopy. If the light is 12"+, they'll stretch, if it's 6-9", they'll stay nice and bushy. Plants only absorb a certain percentage of light at each nm, so once you get it all dialed in, you get a light...