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    Water Cure Vs. Air Cure

    From reading the back and forth I gotta think there is very little advantage to water curing. My ganga is usually potent enough to where I don't need to put it into water. If I gotta fast dry someing to smoke I just chop fresh buds into little pieces set it on a plate and you can usually smoke...
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    Hawaii Growers

    What about.Wridow
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    Direct sunlight needed?

    Go for it. I've grown in situation similar to that. You can grow stoney buds but they are going to be small. If that's the only way for you to grow. Some bud are better than no buds.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Alright how much herb are you guys yielding per plant. Where I live is super dry. When I plant far off if I keep up with the watering I get about a quarter oz per. Maybe 3/4. If its close I get closer to an oz. I usually grow in pots. I've grown pounders in the summer, but that was in my...
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    my compost tea

    You've got to thoroughly compost all your scraps in order to break it down to the level where the plants can access the nutrients. It takes some time to make compost.
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    Using pumps for guerilla growing

    Grow somewhere closer to the water
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    my compost tea

    Add everything you have that is organic. All your kitchen scraps is full of nutrients
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    Hawaii Growers

    can someone tell me how to post pictures
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    Hawaii Growers

    10 out of 14 cheese starts are male. Well at least I get four babies going. I love mid summer buds. This must have been a good season because get the load pakalolo and the prices stay dropping
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    Was I ripped off?

    In hawaii you would get 1.5g
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    Hawaii Growers

    Aloha doc g. Youstill on Kauai?
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    Hawaii Growers

    Over here onkauai we hear that they don't fly on the big isle. Or pull small patches on private property. What's the dealy-o.
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    Vermicomposting basic questions

    If you have the space I would dump all the worms into the compost pile along with all your kitchen scraps and every plant animal stuff that you going throw away and just make some crip compost, because farming worm poop is just not worth it. Unless you just enjoy raising worms. If you do that...
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    will any bat guano work?

    Its not like you intend on doing this for a living. Use a dust filter mask, and gather the shit up. But it wont be that good to use fresh, to hot. You will need to compost it first. If you do it in one big batch just pile it up and cover it with grass clippings or dried leaves, this is...
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    Hawaii Growers

    The bat guano is to replenish the nitrogen and the bone meal is for phosphorous. Just some organics so I don't have to use to much chemicals. I am also.going to use em1 I haven't used it before but a friend has to good results.
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    Hawaii Growers

    I started the latest round the last week of Feb. And they are just now starting to flower. If you start sees now they will not flower until late summer or fall unless it is autoflower then it will bud no matter what
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    Hawaii Growers

    Just picked up some guano and bone meal and getting ready to.recondition my soil. I'm trying for one more short round and the helicopters flew the other week so I shouldn't have to worry bout the eye in the sky, just the pesky.hunters.
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    Hawaii Growers

    I got my next round going and I'm super.excited. I've never grown a proper strain. I got 5 cheese seedlings that just started to show sex and 5duckfoot seedling that I love to watch grow with there crazy leaves. If things go good ill post pics.
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    Hawaii Growers

    Howzit kanakas I was reading this post and loving the community here. I do my thing on the garden island. The other day a couple of friends asked me if I would be interested in being their caregiver Are you allowed to grow for more then one person. I just harvested my best crop yet about...