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  1. M

    lower buds look like yellow flowers

    my girls are 6 feet tall and have been flowering for over 2 months. the top buds are big with alot of dark red hairs. the bottom are small and some look like yellow flowers is it time to harvest or do i still have a long time.
  2. M

    flowering for over 2 months

    my 4 girls are over 6 feet tall and have been flowering for more then 2 months...the top nugs are fat and almost all the hairs are red...the bottoms are much smaller and only half the hairs are red...can you let the plant flower for to long before harvest...they are purple #1 but only one plant...
  3. M

    6.5 feet tall almost ready

    thanks i think im the same way as far as the high is...any advice about the lower buds...can i harvest only the tops????
  4. M

    6.5 feet tall almost ready

    what would i be looking do you know when you should harvest
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    6.5 feet tall almost ready

    i let it go till i had the first sings of female about 2 1/2 months..they were about 3-4 feet and once i went into 12/12 almost double in are a few new pics once the light is off, you can see the hairs alot better...
  6. M

    6.5 feet tall almost ready

    ok i have been growing these bad girls since feb. and they are 6.5 feet tall...the strain is purple #1 from dutch passion...they were under a 400watt bulb and just kept kept getting taller...they are now under a 1000watt light because the light was not reaching the top buds are fat...
  7. M

    Will This Be A MALE???

    I just had to kill one of my lemon skunks because it was a male...this plant has one pod about the size of a tiny nail are a few pics...please help...
  8. M

    Baby Plants Stopped Growing

    by bringing the plants inside and outside its a different type of lighting the plants is liking the natural light and then when you bring it back inside to the unnatural light it begins to strain for the unmeet needs from the natural.
  9. M

    Drooping Lite Yellow Tinted PLants

    I was having a few problems with my lemon skunk. the first level leaves were turning yellow and dying, so i trimed they away. Its been about a week now and the plants started to droop very badly...a couple weeks ago the plants were being over watered and watering was cut back. the plants are...
  10. M

    Help Whats happening to my girls, Lemon Skunk and purple#1

    Hey thanks for the reply...what do u mean by using soil not a hydro set using pure blend pro grow fert...the temp stays at around 80 sometimes a little higher...i just put a fan in to dry and help dry the soil out, but i get great ventilation throughout the closest when i have...
  11. M

    Help Whats happening to my girls, Lemon Skunk and purple#1

    Not sure whats going on...if im over watering or under but something is up...i dont think its what type of soil or the lighting setup because the sytem is a very good...Friends own a hydro a ph tester and the water is great out here in hawaii...i was watering once or twice a day...