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  1. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    Right. Theoretically, you could inoculate an AACT with the right amount of O2 loving yeast (belgian strong ale yeasts for any brewers reading) to potentially yield a bit of ethyl from the added molasses, but the alcohol made would be so insignificant that the plants wouldn't even get a buzz...
  2. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    Here's another straightforward explanation that clarifies how chelates work. Their figures show Glycine (basic amino acid), Gluconate (broken down chunk of Gluconic acid), Citrate (broken down chunk of citric acid), and Tartarate (broken down chunk of tartaric acid)...
  3. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    I think you should stay in Cali.
  4. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    As I understand, the mykos break down insoluble nutes into lesser chains of molecules so they can be absorbed at the root. They don't actually serve it to the root though. Those gnarly boosters have steroid effects on yield, which is my goal, through organic means. So basically (Insoluble Nutes)...
  5. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    The fermented quinoa would be product of a lactic acid fermentation and would contain yeast in addition to billions of other beneficial microbes. The rot will be encouraged until it's fully, uh, fermented. So basically I'm doing a controlled concentrated compost of naturally occurring quinoa...
  6. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    This sounds like a rad routine. The mykos are certainly chipping in but once your tea hit soil, the mykos are not actually entering the plant tissue with the nutes. Amino chelators have that ability and so offer even a more rapid uptake of an AACT that utilizes guanos like yours. This is...
  7. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    This is true but most of the chelating activity will be locked up by all the calcium and iron already inherent to the molasses. Molasses is great, but not for use as a chelating agent- it would add overwhelming ppm to the solution which would call for more chelation... Aminos can also be organic...
  8. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    Thanks for clearing all that up, whodat. First of all, let's explore chelation and why aminos can be important. 'Those PK boosters' are beneficial in that they increase bud weight when used...
  9. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    Woo hoo, mind blown from today's research. Spain knows whats up! Stay tuned
  10. MudDuck

    Organic chelates.

    In an effort to get results like one would see from boosters like ChaChing or Open Sesame etc from organic sources, I'm seeking ways to make organic chelates. It seems to me that the chelation in those products are what actually serve those massive doses of PK to the plant... Sure, we can make a...
  11. MudDuck

    The Flying Circus

    Just talking shit at the lack of veggie pics d00der. I figured you'd be eating tomatoes by now.
  12. MudDuck

    The Flying Circus

    Ain't nothing poking out of yer dry dirt yet or what?
  13. MudDuck

    The Flying Circus

    Got any veggie porn dude? Juan Canary melon Clockwise starting at hex red pot: Golden Hops (very strong rhizome), Silvery Fir Tree cherry tomato, Cherokee Purple tomato, Henderson's Pink Ponderosa tomato More heirloom tomatoes and carrots that just popped My completed and planted...
  14. MudDuck

    WhoDat back at it.

    Oh and pop over to my grow journal if you wanna see how the clown weed caper ended up.
  15. MudDuck

    WhoDat back at it.

    Yeah that's a shit ton of shit. Whodat, you get that pic of the finished A-frame planter? You'll be stoked to hear we did some guerilla gardening up Boulder creek canyon. We found a nice island between forks in the water and stumbled upon a patch of outstanding soil with about 5 varieties of...
  16. MudDuck

    Unknown Indica (maybe from Mountain Kush Mix), 600w, Soil

    Not that you can't figure it out but the high octane jar is on the left. Flip over the high octane jar and you see the goodies I guess my camera was too busy to tend to autofocus.
  17. MudDuck

    Unknown Indica (maybe from Mountain Kush Mix), 600w, Soil

    -Conclusion- So things looked great till I started to trim and realized I had some clowny looking weed when you get down to it. Resin was ok, pistils were red, etc, but the structure and fluffiness really turned me off. Of course this is to be expected when you don't know exactly what strain...
  18. MudDuck

    Unknown Indica (maybe from Mountain Kush Mix), 600w, Soil

    -Update- Starting to yellow a bit. Foxtailing has settled down these past few days. For reference, my hands are fucking gargantuan. :-o This grow just won't finish. I will not be dealing with this strain again unless the smoke is simply the best. I'm entering week 10 on what I thought/was...
  19. MudDuck

    Amaranth Nutrient Profile. Suitable for AACT?

    Amaranth is a plant in the same family as the health nut's wet dream, quinoa. Actually, according to this, it has a better nutrient profile than quinoa. Anywho, amaranth has a long history of being nearly made extinct in the US.... See, the Aztecs used to mix popped amaranth flour with human...
  20. MudDuck

    Yucca Extract / Saponin Activity

    I've recently been intrigued by the role of Yucca in the rhizosphere. There's a slurry of various 'information' on yucca schidigera (Mohave Yucca), most of it pointing to saponin, a surfactent, said to increase the water/tea's ability to soak into smaller pores in the soil than otherwise. But is...