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  1. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Sorry if I came across as callous. I'm more elated that I can actually do this. The idea behind this lil grow was to be a lil grow. Just to get some firsthand experience before I go for it with some decent seeds and proper lighting. This is just bag seed and borrowed parts. I'm quite...
  2. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    I freaking KNEW you could grow something on 23watts... You guys are lame.. I pretty much through this grow outta the window because you made out I couldn't do it. And I listened. Sucks.
  3. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Yeah... well as I said way earlier, I'm probably still going to give this closet thing a go.. Just to see whether a 100watt bulb will grow a couple o plants, how hot it gets in the wardrobe. How much it smells (if it gets that big).. Just all of the things that I'd like to know before I go for...
  4. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    No harm done.. and you're partially correct. Still, there's no reason I can't try it my way and fail. I'd just be learning alot from first hand experience rather than sitting around wishing I was growing. But whatever. This thread is becoming pretty redundant as I'm hopefully gunna be...
  5. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Hey Dura... Is it actually possible to grow some quality stuff outside in the UK? Even if it rains all the time and the sun is hardly out? I need to know this stuff.. If it is, then I shouldn't even be attempting to grow inside..
  6. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Thanks man.
  7. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Thanks man. Actually, growing outside does sound alot more practical than what I'm trying to do at the moment. But surely even in May we couldn't get away with growing outside in the UK? It's too fecking cold.. and the sun can be pretty temperamental. Not to mention the weathers lovely habit...
  8. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    How many watts are your bulbs? If I need 4, I can't pull this grow off for shit.. This lamp is like welded together or something. I'm only borrowing it, so I can't really mutilate it. I wanna go to the halfords and get some fittings and do it myself. I'm just abit nervous about doing it...
  9. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    There's no need to be like that about it. Pedantic potheads, who knew? lol. I'm over 18 thanks. I live in the UK, where car insurance costs about £2000 (per anum) at my age, and it is definitely not a part of our curriculum, or expected of us at 16. Who gives a car to a 16 year old anyway...
  10. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    I'm beginning to get the impression that this isn't a good idea lol. But hey, I've started, so I'mma try to keep these guys alive. If I fail, it's a load off my mind. If I don't, hey, I get to have my first smoke of my own stuff. My parents aren't going to jail lol. They'd tell the truth...
  11. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Thanks for the advise. Haha, yeah.. I figured I might get caught on the smell front. But I figure that I might get away with just saying that I've been smoking pot in the house for awhile.. Or that I've got some reall strong stuff atm. If I can hold them off until they're bigger, they might...
  12. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Ok, I'm still living with my parents, but I've just germinated 5 seeds in my wardrobe. My rents are pretty liberal, but I wouldn't want them to find a foiled up grow room complete with ballast and air extractor, because they would inevitably think that I was dealing if it looked too...