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  1. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Little update.. The 3 plants that I put into the biggest pots I have haven't grown much in a couple of days... I think they might be in shock, but the foliage is still looking healthy and green. They're growing, just slowly. 1 other plant is in another big pot, slightly smaller than the...
  2. hippychild123

    Need lighting help? Then check this out..

  3. hippychild123

    You think my ladies are screwed?

    I've got a question kind've on the same line of thought.. I've been growing my lil seedlings for a week now with the lights on 24/0, but since then I've upgraded the bulb and it's getting a little toasty in my grow space. I have a fan, but it's a noisy bugger and I don't fancy keeping it...
  4. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Just repotted with minimal root trauma. Have moved 4 of the biggest and healthiest plants into bigger pots, and decided to keep the other 4 in a small pot for the moment... just to see what happens :P . The roots were all really long and healthy.. the longest tap root was over a ft long...
  5. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Ok, first big development, I told my mum :shock: But she's pretty cool with it! After a little kiss-ass, I managed to aquire an 85w cfl. I failed to recognise how fucking massive they are, but hey, now I know lol. Now I've got a bigger light, I can repot, and maybe start on a watered down...
  6. hippychild123

    Best time to start giving nutes seeds vs clones

    Yeah, you can start pretty much straight away, but make sure you use a VERY weak nute mix, i.e: 1/4 - 1/3 of the recommended ratio. Alot of people just wait till their seedlings/clones are at least 2 weeks old/rooted before they start adding nutes to the water, but I've been slipping mine...
  7. hippychild123

    Need lighting help? Then check this out..

    I think this may be of some use to you. It's pretty self expanitory, just put in your info and hit the calculate button :D It won't solve all of your problems, but it's a good start! Thanks to the guys at UK420 for creating this. :bigjoint:
  8. hippychild123

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hahaha you made perfect sence man. Thanks for the info, and the cool link ;-). As this is my first grow, I might just stick to cfls. I might be moving house soon anyway, so it'd be pretty impractical to set up for a grow space I might not have in 3 months time.. But when I get settled...
  9. hippychild123

    The UK Growers Thread!

    At the moment, I'm vegging in a wardrobe compartment thats about 2' high, 2' deep and 4' wide... Though the compartment above is the same dimesions only with another 2' of height to work with, which I was considering using for flowering. Either way, I'm more than up for LSTing my plants to...
  10. hippychild123

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey people. I'm considering investing in a HPS rig, with a dual spectrum bulb for both veg and flowering. I'm just not sure how many plants I could cultivate under one of these things from start to finish. I just want to keep myself in decent smoke (fed up of smoking glass from my local...
  11. hippychild123

    250/220w hps growing

    I've done a lil reading, and I came to the conclusion that: 1 250w hps will give out in the region of 26,750 lumens. Divide by 3 plants, and they'll be getting just under 9000 lumens each... which I think is pretty good. Though I guess you've gotta take into account the fact that the...
  12. hippychild123

    250/220w hps growing

    BUMP! I'm thinking about buying one with a dual spectrum bulb. Might be able to stretch to a 400watter, but I'm not sure whether I'm going to be doing a large enough grow to warrant it. How many plants do you think you could grow from start to finish with a 250w dual spectrum hps? and...
  13. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Thanks man... It's some stuff to think about, but it all presupposes that I can get in my car and spend half a day shopping for all of this stuff, which I can't. I'm struggling to get my hands on a bigger bulb here. There's no way I can get half of that stuff. I'm moving house in less than...
  14. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Some pics of the little fellows and my (very) bodged stealth op. They're stretching like hell to get to the light.. Cause I still havent got a new bulb.. But I'm going to pick the best 3 and repot them into some big pots, and probably bury them upto just before the first set of...
  15. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    It's pretty tempting to try it, but that would be the sketchiest thing I've ever done concerning my parents... It'd have to be one of the last things outta the house and I've have to make up excuses as to why I was leaving a simgle box behind.. plus they faff around so much they'd be dead by the...
  16. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Oh yeah, Dura. + rep for believing, and not taking the piss... Aprreciated.
  17. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    Thanks man, my first one is through! Though I got some bad news today... we've been given notice, and we're being chucked outta this place in a months time, so these plants are going to have to go before then. It sucks, but with that being said, when I get into a new place, I think I'm ready...
  18. hippychild123

    I'm just experimenting..

    I think that the tap root might have been a lil small to have planted it. My other seeds are still in a paper towel and now have roots 5-10mm long. The first one had literally JUST split and had a tap root about a mm long. I dunnnno, but I'm gunna try planting some others tomorrow after I'm...
  19. hippychild123

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ugh, why didn't these come up in google when i was searching for high output cfls? Lame. *coughs*... uhh..dude... you know it's Thursday.. right? I wish my weekends lasted that long...
  20. hippychild123

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Check out these cfls! ... Might have to get me a set of 300watt purples and reds for my wardrobe... tis awefully dark in there :P Can't find a UK distributor, but there's a few on ebay.