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    Newbie Questions Answered Fast Here

    Quality is determined subjectively. Each weed has a different high that might appeal to one person more than the other. A common misconception is that the red or white hairs on a bud determine potency. This is not the case. If determining quality by potency one must look at the concentration of...
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    Newbie Questions Answered Fast Here

    'Bagseed' is exactly what it sounds like. It is seeds from a bag of weed. This normally happens when a grower is careless and allows male plants to pollinate the female plants. Bagseed homegrown in generally better marijuana than the original donor weed. This is because weed with seeds is...
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    How long to vegatate for maximum yield?

    Sweet man thats cool, sorry if you took it the wrong way. regarding Mygirls comment: What i meant is perceived buds i guess. People call the cola a bud when in reality it is many buds with very close budding sites and nodes.
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    How long to vegatate for maximum yield?

    Big plant does not equal bigger buds. Some would argue that by controlling stretch in the veg stage you can increase bud size with smaller plants. Judging by that extremely stretched plant with little popcorn buds in your avatar you might be able to take this advice and but it to work.
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    How long to vegatate for maximum yield?

    Expect your plants to at least double in size during the stretch seen in the flowering stage. I'd say about 2 feet before flipping them. Depends on your lighting setup (how far from the top of the tent does it hang) and how close plants can get to your lights
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    Newbie Questions Answered Fast Here

    Hey all, So i'm working from home for a few weeks and thought i'd give this a try, maybe cut down on all the duplicate posts a little more. Ask me any question I'll try my best to answer it. Little background, I stared growing when i was 15. I stole two 70w HPS security lights of the rooftop...
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    What do you know? Make money?

    Yeah i just added that article two seconds ago, i have to index the site again for it to be shown, that happens every night my time. Any other requests, i'm a research machine?
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    DIY CFL Fixtures

    Here is mine i just made it today. 4 Peices of 12 inch long 1x6 glued and screwed in a square with holes drilled accordingly and reflective inside. I'm replacing all the CFLS with 42 watters. This is only for a box 16x16x48 so it should be fine with some side lighting i think.
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    What do you know? Make money?

    jfgordon1, thanks for the appreciation. The idea is when you do the research on soil nutrients and have gather the information you add it to the encyclopedia for other so they don't have to search. Lucky for you I'm a nice guy. Check out the article below... Soil Nutrient Basics -...
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    What do you know? Make money?

    Yeah thanks for the encouragement. I guess its not the right time. My idea was sort of a marijuana growing wiki but i guess it'll have to wait.
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    What do you know? Make money?

    I can see nobody is interested thats a little disappointing considering the time i put in. O well. Here is an article if you want to add it. Harvesting your crop is an exciting time, you get to reap what you have sowed and slaved over. All that hard work is ready to pay off. You have sweet...
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    What do you know? Make money?

    Hey all, Just a little shameless self promotion and a little give back to the community. I just started an online Growing Encyclopedia. If there are any topics you guys want to see added let me know. You can also add articles yourself. Also if you sign up, provide us with an...
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    Did I kill my seeds?

    Id wait at least 7-10 days to be sure. I think you might be fine, the moist soil should have taken most of the beating by drying out.
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    Hey someone answer my question please

    They could be budsites if it is a female plant. What do the 'little things' look like? Balls?
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    Need a little help with my setup!!

    Exhaust should always be larger than intake to keep negative pressure. I'd keep the cooltube standalone. You can run the light if you have the right ballast for it. Learn more about the intake and exhaust: Ventilation Grow Guide
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    How can I promote vertical growth?

    Controling stretch is an art. Sometimes you want those little stubby plants with crazy close nodes but some times you want them to grow with larger internodal length so that buds can fill out and develop more such as your case. Light intensity decreases exponentially as the distance between...
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    will the genetics of clones be worse if the mother was raised with CFL's over MH/Hps

    Nope. Genetics should be maintained unless there is a major cause for mutation. Environmental effects are not a huge cause of mutation. Disease would be a major factor in mutation. Becuase you get McDonalds for a couple weeks doesn't change your genetics when you go back to your favourite steak...
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    seeds. male-female huh?

    Females produce buds. Jack Herrer is a good strain. The seeds some male and female or just female if you buy feminized seeds. You have to sex all your plants if growing from unknown sex or just grow from clones. Learn more here Marijuana encyclopedia
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    Cant Figure Out Whats wrong

    Could just be a runt, it happens. If your not treating the plants differently that they are flourishing and pH is ok i would say its just a runt. The cotyledons (small yellow round leaves) normally wilt and fall off. It could be lack of nitrogen but i doubt it. Purple stem? what are your temps
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    PLEASE HELP ME.......3.5 weeks in to flowering and pistils already changing?

    Your plants will flower when they want to under 12/12. Don't listen to the guy who said they are getting close, no chance of that happening in 3 weeks. Sometimes the brown hairs are a sign of under watering, but don't quote me i don't remember where i heard that. Light Cycle Information