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  1. nebula69hydro

    the plants look good,how was the smoke

    the plants look good,how was the smoke
  2. nebula69hydro

    400w Auto Grow...

    I'm on my 3rd grow with dwarf ganja auto- and durban poison,the d.p. I keep cloning and that can go on forever if you let it-tris and more tris it gets.but I love thedwarf auto cause 8 weeks I can harvest,after 5 or 6 nodes mine start flowering its so easy,got pics. in gallery.nebula...
  3. nebula69hydro

    your cfls should be around 3 inches from top of plant,main thing-dont over water and dont give...

    your cfls should be around 3 inches from top of plant,main thing-dont over water and dont give fertilizer yet,what kind of dirt you have,watts on lights.1 plant per pot,you want it with lights on 70 to 80 and then small fan to move air around.
  4. nebula69hydro

    why the heater-whats the temp with just the lights on

    why the heater-whats the temp with just the lights on
  5. nebula69hydro

    your getting better looking all the time - do you have any plants going.

    your getting better looking all the time - do you have any plants going.
  6. nebula69hydro

    hi pot roast,I saw you in here and got hungry anyway I'm from santa barbara now living in small...

    hi pot roast,I saw you in here and got hungry anyway I'm from santa barbara now living in small town mn. and growing the strongest smoke I've had the pleasure of nevr trying(well a few times)I grow for my bro he has TBI and has seizures and it helps him a lot.anyway hi.nebula
  7. nebula69hydro

    2nd week flowering bagseed w/ AMAZING pics!

    when mine are in flower every 3rd water i give fox farm big bloom but mg makes a blooming fert.their soil only feeds couple mos. when flowering give them a flowering boost you'll see diff. right away.
  8. nebula69hydro

    Is she dying

    too young just give water when totally dry,and dont get it too hot by light,if theres more room to add dirt under her do that to,and when total dry give distilled water and the nutes from the new organic soil on top will feed it awhile,I think it looks ok but be simple with solution.
  9. nebula69hydro

    First time grower...some help

    if you must grow put a soft wht cfl in your lamp,23 watts at least that may start 2 little plants for you,you dont have to worry about smell for a long time.
  10. nebula69hydro

    seedling split into 2 and has stunted growth.whats wrong?

    I dont give humboldt or fox f. till 8 inces they get nutes from soil it looks like good soil.
  11. nebula69hydro

    seedling split into 2 and has stunted growth.whats wrong?

    too early for nutes,let it dry fully before you water again
  12. nebula69hydro

    I might be thinking about letting them stretch out more by raising the light a little,so when...

    I might be thinking about letting them stretch out more by raising the light a little,so when the time comes you decide what branches are going to be fruitful and which to trim.just a thought.
  13. nebula69hydro


    dont pick nothin off nothin-its nature-got a male get rid of it and at certain times trim leaves or branches if they are doing no good - or else leave alone make sure all parts of plant get some light sometimes,my it works.
  14. nebula69hydro

    no I was just training it to grow a certain way-1st time i did it, just put a wire around it...

    no I was just training it to grow a certain way-1st time i did it, just put a wire around it pulled down-drill hole in planter after 2 weeks it stays starts turning up at light,do this to many branches make them grow where they can get best light. I only started growing to give smoke to brother...
  15. nebula69hydro

    your plants are looking good

    your plants are looking good
  16. nebula69hydro

    2nd week flowering bagseed w/ AMAZING pics!

    very nice-I always add 1 a month fish emulsion,cheap,get at any nursery and just a teaspoon full per gallon.I add molasses to only 1 or 2ice a month.
  17. nebula69hydro

    lights are lights

    its the spectrum of the light,get some old pear shaped bulbs paint them diff. colors-you think that will work,- no the build grow lights for a reason,cfls are cheap just use them.
  18. nebula69hydro

    I loved your about me part,friggen comic aren't we,If we were close by I'd give you some killer...

    I loved your about me part,friggen comic aren't we,If we were close by I'd give you some killer ganja.later
  19. nebula69hydro

    cool pics Gadget

    cool pics Gadget
  20. nebula69hydro

    Are Hermie seeds worth saving?

    hermies do become hermies - but you can still smoke it. and with the seeds anything is possible.