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  1. BCBuddy420

    questions about harvesting

    LOL!!! Man I know what you mean....Genius? or Failure? Hmmmm... *hand on chin pondering* (good one btw)
  2. BCBuddy420

    im drunk and my plant is young(3 days old)

    I know right!! I had to come in when I saw that. LOL. Man check this out if you think that was funny....
  3. BCBuddy420

    questions about harvesting

    I think I'm laughing so hard mostly cause he talks so serious about it, like this is what he does all day is stares, drooling, at these mutant cactus creation he's made, concocting new whacked plans to make it better and how intense of a high he'll get upon the big harvest LMFAO near ROFL
  4. BCBuddy420

    questions about harvesting
  5. BCBuddy420

    questions about harvesting

    Bakatare man that script in your sig is cracking me up too!!! It's like now he's cooperating because you removed his dumbass comment by his request but it also says, " may be used for future use " to hold over him so he behaves HAHAHAHA that's some seriously funny shit :lol: :clap:
  6. BCBuddy420

    questions about harvesting

    C'mon guyyys? Be honest did anyone else laugh their bag off when they saw these plants?? I know your being nice and everything but be honest. And Bmeat you will laugh hard (possibly) at this down the road when you listen to guys and really learn how to get good bud. But seriously man this made...
  7. BCBuddy420

    Please help-----YELLOW SPOTS------please help

    The flush was for right away, who knows when he's gonna trans them right, those suggestions were not in order :lol:
  8. BCBuddy420

    Please help-----YELLOW SPOTS------please help

    Ok re-pot into better containers. Read a couple articles about root aeration in your medium. Flush them good with 3 x size of pot amount of water and what are you feeding them? I will try to help ya.
  9. BCBuddy420

    im drunk and my plant is young(3 days old)

    well boozey :lol: you train them well with techniques like fim/fip, lst, etc than you set up a screen across the canopy and keep it nice and level. I think that's the basic extent of scrog man. Unspoken things like keep cola spacing tight, don't trip on the netting while drunk... shit like that too.
  10. BCBuddy420

    Help Multi-Strain Scrog.

    OG is notorious for a big stretch in flower sometimes so look out for that. You can Scrog whatever you want as long as you keep that canopy somewhat level.
  11. BCBuddy420

    1300+ Watts in a 4x4 tent. Is there such a thing as too much?

    Well sometimes too many lumens per square foot can be a waste, there is a formula but what your doing is fine, like these guys are saying watch your heat! ~ BCbuddy420 :leaf:
  12. BCBuddy420

    600w Organic OG Kush Grow

    I well aware that my OG was not a true cut of this incredible strain. My calyxes were not swollen that large ( the pic in your link) and the taste had a slight lemony/dieselly taste but nothing as described of true OG. I do know that when I sold some of mine, people went absolutely nutz lol and...
  13. BCBuddy420

    600w Organic OG Kush Grow

    The strain has one of the most hazy pasts when it comes to true origin. What I can say is anyone who says this plant is a kush definitely has not seen it growing and does not know much about weed because it has high THC and lower Cannabidiol than true Indicas, of which the Kush family come from...
  14. BCBuddy420

    600w Organic OG Kush Grow

    Looks more like nutrient burn IMO. Beautiful OG Kush man, vibrant and healthy. My first grow was OG Kush. A true OG Kush is originally a sativa dominant strain but I guess there is different phenotypes within the lineage looking at the wide leaves of that TOH #1. Nice choice!! Here is my OG...
  15. BCBuddy420

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    Thanks for the info, it's guys like you with great tips like that one, that truly help others out :D I will be flowering from rooted clones, yes and now I will know what to lookout for and avoid in that sense. +REP
  16. BCBuddy420

    My First Grow..cfl veg/hps flower

    no problem. You had asked earlier another method for dealing with smell. Some of my friends have used this stuff and said it works quite well. Keep me posted as your grow continues. BTW here's a pic of me stirring my solution in my...
  17. BCBuddy420

    My First Grow..cfl veg/hps flower

    No problem that vent system your doing is so many ways of wrong though...just as long as you know. Your better off using that fan to PULL out air and allow passive to run new air. You can do things the best way with what you have or waste time doin it wrong and suffer. not trying to be harsh at...
  18. BCBuddy420

    My First Grow..cfl veg/hps flower

    Is that your inline fan I see on top of the tent? That won't work, I know those fans they are quite weak. I use those cheap guys to push air in, not out. What you honestly need is this here or the 4 inch of this model at 170 something...
  19. BCBuddy420

    Tired of typing in blocks

    GEE THANKS just kidding but remember please hehe.