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  1. addicted2erb

    Auto Flowering

    Hello again, I'm still a relatively new grower and am slowly getting the hang of growing. But now I'm on a totally new grow which is blue diesel auto flowering. I hang never grew any auto flowering erb yet. Does anyone have any tips on soil,nutes, and light preference along with wattage.
  2. addicted2erb

    Bud lost smell

    So i grew some blackberry Kush and before i cut them to hang dry that had a nice strong smell to them, so after its been hang drying for about a week and time to cure the smell has vanished, any advice on how to get that back?
  3. addicted2erb


    Thanks that's the only way to learn and get it right
  4. addicted2erb


    Question so i had a ok grow about a month or two ago but i over dried it. So i looked up different ways to add moisture and finally got the buds to a nice size and most; should i still cure or stop curing and dry buds again
  5. addicted2erb


    Still on my fist grow but second plant came out pretty good but now I'm on the curing stage, it's been hang drying for about a week I'm thinking about putting it in a brown paper bag for a day or two then jarring them would that help? & how often should i burp and for how long?
  6. addicted2erb

    Grow box

    Do u like it? How long does the grows usually take?
  7. addicted2erb

    Lights set up

    I used miracle grow in a 1 gallon pot, i used the cfls the whole time and it was a closet grow. It didn't come out to bad but it definitely took long and buds could have turned out better but i was just happy it grew since this was my first time
  8. addicted2erb


    What produces the best buds cfl's LED or t5?
  9. addicted2erb

    Lights set up

    Question, I'm a new grower just finished a grow and produced about a good 3 ounces. I used 3 cfl 100watt bulbs and miracle grow the grow took 8 months for the grow to finish. This time around I'm looking into either a grow box or may HID's this time and maybe a different type of soil and...
  10. addicted2erb

    Grow box

    Has anyone purchased the cash crop grow box Anne would it produce better buds faster
  11. addicted2erb


    Will it mess up the curing process if you store jar in the refrigerator?
  12. addicted2erb

    adding moisture

    So is this a pretty good idea or should i just leave it just trying to figure out the best solution i seen a lot of good reviews for lettuce
  13. addicted2erb

    adding moisture

    I heard if u put lettuce, orange peels, or bread in jar with dry buds it will add moisture is that accurate and if so how long?
  14. addicted2erb

    flemsy bud/curing

    I'm on my second week to third week of curing my buds and they aren't that dense they are like feather weight and really soft any advice?
  15. addicted2erb

    New Grow Advice

    Amount of time
  16. addicted2erb

    New Grow Advice

    So coco is better then soil and the t5 is the best way and no nutrients will help produce a better yield in a short
  17. addicted2erb

    New Grow Advice

    Money isn't really the issue if it takes a little more cash to produce a better yield that's perfectly fine so coco and t5 is the best way to go? And no nutrients needed? This specific grow that I'm coming out of that took 6 months i didn't use any ph tester or even check the temps it was...
  18. addicted2erb

    New Grow Advice

    When it comes to nutrients what type of fertilizer should i use?
  19. addicted2erb

    New Grow Advice

    Yes i was looking into grow boxes and purchasing one and i want to stick to spending around 100 to 200 dollars on new lights and equipment,and i have a pretty big closet area to start the new grow
  20. addicted2erb

    New Grow Advice

    I'm almost done with my last grow I'm a newbie still at growing but basically I'm preparing for my next grow and want to know what will produce the best yield, my last grow was ok definitely could have done better i used 6 100watt c fls n produced around 2 1/2 to 3 ounces and it took 6 months to...