Search results

  1. beardo

    Who was/is a better president, Bush or Obama?

    Except that "Obama" still has "us" in Iraq... The withdrawal was bullshit
  2. beardo

    Ron Paul on Snowden

    Yeah, educating yourself on the subject so that you know and understand what you're talking about before stating your opinions as if they were facts is hard, why bother knowing what you're talking about
  3. beardo

    Does the stigma of online dating still exist?

    I for one like a beefy vag, you say it like it's a bad thing. Not trying to get involved in whatever you two are arguing about, I just want to stand up and say large labia are wonderful and i really prefer a woman with a lot going on down there, i'll pass on a boring slit any day, the bigger...
  4. beardo

    Ron Paul on Snowden

    Hey failures Ron Paul's son is named Randall Paul
  5. beardo

    Microbreweries, craft beers, etc.

    I like to micro brew my own, the think that makes mine superior to others is the yeast from the panties, as far as i know im the only one making victorias secret brew
  6. beardo

    Does the stigma of online dating still exist?

    I find it difficult to approach midgets in person, its always kind of weird asking them if they're single and if they want to get togdther, thats why i like it makes it easier
  7. beardo

    Ron Paul on Snowden

    The Pauls did not name their son Rand and Ayan Rand was not the inspiration for his name. How is that for a fact? Your ignorance is disturbing
  8. beardo

    Get your dog/cat high

    My cat likes it when we're laying in bed and i poke out my dick from the sheets, like its a little bald bsby mouse, she attacks it and scratches it and chases it under the blanket to gnaw on it, its wuite painful but she loves it
  9. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  10. beardo

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    Sunni that dick head is the Only dude who noticed that shit. he was fapping in the corner to ur picture and was like when im done here i think ill try to pretend to be a dickhead rather than a pathetic butt hurt queer boy. so dont take it personally bud, cuz there were like 1000 dudes tryna get...
  11. beardo

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    Mix Tape!!!!!
  12. beardo

    nomination tallies and pic submissions

    You are beautiful, don't ever let this world or those who inhabit it make you think otherwise
  13. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Smoking is bad for you
  14. beardo

    Specific Jibber Jabber Thread

    I am going to write beardo in sharpie on my schlong going down it the long way down the shaft, i will post the results for everyone to enjoy
  15. beardo

    delete my account urgently

    I am 13, i started posting as beardo when i was around 8, i don't have anyones permission to use a computer, i shouldn't be on jere neither should any of my postsposts
  16. beardo

    Specific Jibber Jabber Thread

  17. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Censorship is alive and well, we can't even discuss products with names some might find offensive. I hope you can all quit the pot, it affects your thought processes and prevents you from having rational thought.
  18. beardo

    Top 10 RIU Sex Doll Hotties

    I will never forget the way my grandma looked the first time she walked in on me having sex with Sveetlannah the sex doll, she had lust in her eyes, what a turn on..
  19. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Post removed by the central scrutinizer
  20. beardo

    Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining

    Here i go again i see with crystal vision, i keep my visions to myself