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  1. beardo

    Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining

    When the rain washes you clean you'll know
  2. beardo

    Top 10 RIU Sex Doll Hotties

    The sex with a sex doll isn't weird or awkward at all.... washing her up after is ..., so is the cuddling before bed. When your sex doll isn't in the mood you know you have problems
  3. beardo

    Thunder Only Happens When It's Raining

    Thunder only happens when it's raining.
  4. beardo

    neo-nazism is alive and well on rollitup

    White people love cheese, they even name their kids after cheese, Colby, Brie, Jack, what kind of shit is that, they even name their cheese racist shit like cracker barrel
  5. beardo

    Top 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)

    Grannyweed has my vote, I like a women with experience
  6. beardo

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans

    I just called the sushi place in town and tried to sing the intro from shimmy shimmy yah It was fun as hell Got to live life and enjoy it while we're here Do you think they were listening to my call? If so I bet they laughed OOooohhh Baby I Like It Raw
  7. beardo

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans

    nontheist the story is hype a non issue talking point, it is irrelevant, sure maybe you could argue that verision sucks for going along with it but the story is pure propaganda they are getting geared up to kill or completely enslave just about everyone, there is your story, this one is BS What...
  8. beardo

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans 4ITLNzPoEqs
  9. beardo

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans

    You mean verision lets them get a copy of your phone bill? or call history? Yeah..... They also just listen to and record all your phone conversations, im not sure if they need verision in on that one or not, maybe verision doesn't have anything to do with that but does it really matter?
  10. beardo

    Leaked: NSA Collecting Phone Records Of Millions Of Americans

    Are you fucking retarded? Seriously? Have you been living under a rock? This is old news that is what they do, anyone who cares even a little already knew this, even most people who aren't interested in this suff knew, unless they are real dumb and ignorant They record and read and listen to...
  11. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Obviously... I did mention that she's preggers and moved into my grandmas basement with me and picked up a habit and lost her virginity to me, i guess i will let you decided but yes she may be but i still love her, shes my sister plus shes fun to do acid with and she loves mr brownstone plus...
  12. beardo

    Gay Roosters Are Better At Cock Fighting Rhode Island Reds Are Flamboyant FCxWUKMJfEI
  13. beardo

    Gay Roosters Are Better At Cock Fighting Rhode Island Reds Are Flamboyant

    It is a little known fact that lesbians are happier and healthier than normal women and lesbians also enjoy better vaginal health by avoiding what scientists refer to as the petri dish effect that straight women are known for where the womans vagina acts as a petri dish being swabbed with her...
  14. beardo

    Racist Cheerios Add - Man returns 11 pounds of weed delivered to his house

    impossible you people do to much weed
  15. beardo

    Specific Jibber Jabber Thread

    what do you think?
  16. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    what do you think?
  17. beardo

    Someone I know is in a Coma

    Not sure if i'm getting it but it sounds like all I have to do is buy something then find someone dumber than me to buy it for twenty times what I paid and then $$$ sounds good, im in kS--aPL3oQg
  18. beardo

    In the twenty years of GM crops, have any ill effects been observed

    More diabetes more autism more cancer more add more adhd more gays more breast cancer more early puberty more obesity more infertility
  19. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Free OJ That is all
  20. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    How do I delete threads and posts? It is only fair I should be able to, someone please how I do this