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  1. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    I'm really high atm, so cut me some slack for the following response... Also, I'm basing my figures off of this website, which appears to give rather broad ranges. Anywho, I'm going start out with a quick lesson CannaChem 102. As the plant matures, it starts to produce terpenoid compounds...
  2. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Cook Weed In A Spoon

    Theoretically, this should work out rather beautifully. My guess is that you didn't fully heat the bud, thusly failing to decarboxylate it. Next time you attempt this, my suggestion would be to take your lil' nuglett and cook it in the oven at about 275 for 5-10 minutes. Then, crush it up, mix...
  3. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    New Growroom In Progress [Pics]

    Congrats man, your going to have fun with it. As for the electrical question... That's a sore subject with me at the moment. You see, my house doesn't have a sump pump, yet has wire ran specifically for one. I was informed that all the houses in my area had this wired in on a dedicated circuit...
  4. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    Hehe, amusing post... Unfortunately, I am not "one of those smokers who thinks [he's] the shit." You see, the thing is, I made my post becuase I'm sick of seeing people post information that they heard or read from a non-credible source (or even at times taking credible information and...
  5. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    New Growroom In Progress [Pics]

    Hydrokronics, The Growzilla hood uses 6" ducting, which unfortunately is not interchangeable. Also, it does not come with the sockets, so you'll need two (~40.00$ each) of those. The good news, however, is that it really isn't as big of a monster as some proclaim it to be. It really is only 21"...
  6. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Marijuana Strain List.

    Cut, Copy, & Paste into MS word. AZ Sort. Voila... Alphabetical order in 5 seconds. :peace: -AR
  7. AdReNaLiNeRuSh


    The search feature is a great tool... Pics and instructions: How To Make Cannabutter :peace: -AR
  8. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    weed tea

    Placebo Effect :peace: -AR
  9. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    weed tea

    Male plants will generally not produce a whole lot of THC. However, you pulled it just as it was developing its sex organs, so chances of it having any trichome production at all are slim to none. Though your tea may contain some antioxidants and other trace nutrients, I highly doubt it will...
  10. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    Look man, I have no beef with you, and this attack against me is just water under the bridge. Also, just to let you know, I am finishing up my degree in biochemistry, so I'd like to think I have a pretty good idea as to what I'm talking about. When you run an extraction method using a fatty...
  11. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    Hi, Personally, I think that you have no idea what you are talking about and that you post is a rip off of another one you may have read. First off, why is cannabis oil sooo much better than cannabutter? Also, how the hell do you propose that making cannabis oil is more effective than using...
  12. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Heat vs Light Question

    My room is airtight with no exhaust, so I don't use as much CO2 as some people. My tank is the average 20 lb tank. Here's a pic I found on google that looks like mine: :peace: -AR
  13. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Heat vs Light Question

    If you have CO2, then you are in luck, my friend. With a CO2 PPM of approximately 1500, your plants will be able to grow at 90-95ºF without stress. However, if for some reason they should start to show signs of heat stress, turn the CO2 up to 2000 PPM and they should do well. :peace: -AR
  14. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    thoughts on renting or owning to grow

    Check out this thread... :peace: -AR
  15. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    New Growroom In Progress [Pics]

    Hey folks, I've sorta neglected this thread a bit, so it's time for an update! The grow room is pretty much done and running. All that's really left is to run hosing for the CO2 tank, and possibly buy a CO2 sensor. Anywho, take a look! The 25,000btu A/C unit has been hard wired in and is in...
  16. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    how cold is too cold?

    Below 55 will not only lesson THCA production, but stunt the whole plant's growth. If it's in the high 30's, your plant is probably not going to fair so well. Is it in an easily-transportable pot that you can bring in during the night? :peace: -AR
  17. AdReNaLiNeRuSh


    The air you live in and breathe, as well as all the plants around you, is comprised of approximately 70% nitrogen. Depending on the ration of nitrogen to carbon dioxide, I highly doubt it will cause any harm. :peace: -AR
  18. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    how cold is too cold?

    Hi guys, Generally, the optimal temperature for marijuana plants is 75ºF during the active photoperiod, and a drop to around 60ºF during the night cycle. 55ºF is about the lowest you want to go. Anything lower will stunt plant growth, and anything below 30ºF will cause some severe damage. Now...
  19. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Complete environmental control with a PC?

    R1b4z01d, Just out of curiosity, what platform are you running it on and what language did you write it in? Also, what kind of hardware did you have to build? Did you write the firmware for that as well? This sounds like an interesting project... PICS!!!! :peace: -AR
  20. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Finding dealer for pound quantities

    Well, since there's only one legit attempt at answering the original question, I'm going to take a stab at it... First off, where do you live? If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legalized, you should check around for a 'medicine store,' aka a legal pot shop. These stores are...