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  1. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    New Growroom In Progress [Pics]

    While it may look like soil, it's actually a soiless mixture. And only half of the plants will be in the soiless. The other half will be hydro. This way, I figure I can pull a fast hydro harvest every 2 months, and a higher quality soiless harvest every 3-4 months. Also, the room did cost a...
  2. AdReNaLiNeRuSh


    Hi, In my opinion, early sexing of plants is a waste of time and adds unneeded stress. Just wait until your plants are mature enough to start budding them. Once you are ready to bud them, flip your light cycle to the 12/12. Keep a vigilant eye out for males, and just watch the females grow...
  3. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    New Growroom In Progress [Pics]

    Update: Mothers are getting bigger. Another week or two then I can cut them down for clones. However, I decided that I want my harvest to be 50% fast growing hydro, 50% dank quality soiless mixture, so I put the seedlings in Root Organic's Formula 77 soiless mixture. :peace: -AR
  4. AdReNaLiNeRuSh


    Hey folks, I've started this thread because I've been curious about the success of other individuals with cloning and what method they use. So, if you would, please share a little bit with us about your cloning methods. What hormone do you use? What temperature/conditions are the clones in...
  5. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Question for anyone who makes bud butter please read!

    If I were you, I would consider adding water to the mixture and boiling it on the stove. Check out the link in my sig :peace: -AR
  6. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Question for anyone who makes bud butter please read!

    Hi, Quick question: Is the water and keif mixture in water? Do you have a way of gauging the temperature of the mixture in the crock pot? For the THC to bond to the butter, you need to be cooking it around 392ºF or above. If you are unable reach that high of a temperature in the crock pot, I...
  7. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    New Growroom In Progress [Pics]

    Hey guys! Sorry, it's been a loooong time since I've been on the forums. I've been very busy with classes, work, life, etc... Hell, I've been so busy that I haven't actually even had time to grow! So, I started a few seeds and nabbed a couple of clones for this next venture. Also, I will be...
  8. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    u luv it, Guess My Yeild, 1 plant sativa dom, LST , 400W HPS

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you won't shatter what I said. However, with not knowing your nute regiment or grow environment, nor your experience, I was just throwing out a number. :peace: -AR
  9. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    u luv it, Guess My Yeild, 1 plant sativa dom, LST , 400W HPS

    Uh.. Usually, people post 'Guess the Yield' threads when the plant is about ready to be harvested... Anyways, since I don't know your nute regiment, I'm going to say 1.25oz dry. Unfortunately, 400w bulbs generally produce wispy buds, opposed to dense nugs. Though your plant will probably have a...
  10. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Rabbit Air Odor Killer!!!

    ...have you ever tried using an ionizer with 3 or more plants? Doesn't work out so well. Not to mention, the abundance of ions they produce are purported to be harmful for the plants. Layered filters are by far the best choice. :peace: -AR
  11. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    How much $ do you make growing?

    You're absolutely right, man. Trust me, nobody wants to bring on the Heat... :peace: -AR
  12. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Not sprouting while using rockwool cubes?

    Hi, After three and a half weeks, I'm afraid they are toast. One thing to keep in mind is the direction that you put the seeds into the rockwool cubes. The side that has opened and produced a white stalk should be facing down, as that will be the root. You should keep the seeds on a strict 18/6...
  13. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Blowing on plants

    Nope... I'm talking about Way to Grow, located at 6395 Gunpark Drive. It's a little North of Boulder at 63rd and Lookout Rd. Best ran hydroponic store I've ever been to. :peace: -AR
  14. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Oh Wow! TINY New Plasma Bulbs

    I have a feeling that in the very near future, the HID lights we use now are going to be obsolete. Check it out! YouTube - Plasma Light Bulb :peace: -AR
  15. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    Blowing on plants

    Hi, Generally, the ppm of CO2 in the air is around 300. Optimal PPM for CO2 in a sealed grow room is 1500. The amount of CO2 you exhale is minimal and unfortunately will not make much of a difference, especially if your grow room is not air-tight. If you want to increase CO2 PPM levels, you...
  16. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Hey... So, I started around 20 plants from seed. It's been almost 3 weeks now and I still haven't sexed them. I was thinking that instead of sexing them, then pushing them back into veg state, I would just let them go another week or so, then, by keeping a vigilant eye, start budding and weed...
  17. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    please anyone???experienced +rep given

    Hi, I see no questions posed, no links posted, and no information of any kind to reply to. If you want help, you need to take your time and be more thorough in your posts. Thanks. :peace: -AR
  18. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    I think you mean Celsius, not Fahrenheit. And even then, add on a few degrees and you're in the ballpark. 180ºF won't even provide enough energy to decarboxylate THCA, more or less evaporate it. :peace: -AR
  19. AdReNaLiNeRuSh

    one of the most effective brownie recipes out there. NEVER FAILS!

    Bah, I just re-read my post (I'm sober atm) and found an error. I based my post off of the flash point of citral (195ºF), not THC. THC has a boiling point of around 392ºF. Again, I'm not sure how much higher the boiling point would be once it becomes bonded with lipid/fatty substance, but I'm...