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  1. Green Cross

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Acorn cap with nut still attached:
  2. Green Cross

    Help Getting Legal In Michigan

    If your doctor can document that you have "Chronic Nausea" that should be enough to get you a card in Michigan. Try The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation - 1-800-723-0188
  3. Green Cross

    OK i Want to get better

    I agree Sooner or later you'll switch to HPS Is "500w worth of CFL's" even less money than a HPS ballast and a bulb and reflector (optional)?
  4. Green Cross

    Wecome to the jungle

    Hi Gen, 6 weeks no problem - I took the cuttings in the beginning of Oct, and they still look good. I just checked the remaining cuttings and they still look good, except for a few lower leaves that were just beginning to look like rotten lettuce does when it gets old. So I just removed...
  5. Green Cross

    If you are in illinois

    Hey there, there's always the chance they will push it through, in order to raise some much needed tax revenue. The MPP site is where I found the information I was referring to. It's old news... "On May 27, the Senate passed the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act — SB...
  6. Green Cross

    If you are in illinois

    Your Welcome NakedGarnener I did read somewhere that if the issue isn't taken up in the appropriate time in November, then it won't be until early 2010... when the congress resumes. I'll see if I can find the link to that info There are no legal options for Illinois patients, other than...
  7. Green Cross

    How can some people live with themselves?

    Contiue to give me all the negative rep you like if you think it will bring you happiness :mrgreen:
  8. Green Cross

    Wecome to the jungle

    Sorry to take so long to get back to you war, I've been super busy with personal shit. This pic is from Oct 13th or thereabouts, feel free to bump up the discussion if you like. I still have 4 cuttings in the fridge, and that reminds me, I better change the watter in there. I should...
  9. Green Cross

    Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

    SWEET! :bigjoint: I've been busy and missing the show here. I'd say they look about ready to chop but another week or 2 won't do any harm. Trichs turning yet? Is the top cola more ripe than the rest? My thought is to harvest the top now, and them let the lower buds ripen more, but...
  10. Green Cross

    I think I might've f*cked up Supercropping

    Supper-crooping is kind of tricky, and scary at first, but from the pictures it looks like you nailed it. :leaf:
  11. Green Cross

    Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

    I've come to believe Medical Marijuana is a religious (compassion) issue, and I'm not alone... but If you'd rather hate bash people who are on the right side of MM reform issue, I'm afraid there isn't much help for you. Medical marijuana: Religious leaders ask Illinois lawmakers to allow...
  12. Green Cross

    What Do You Do When You Need A New Dealer?

    I think the Internet may not be the best place to start :wall:
  13. Green Cross

    How long till harvest? (w/pics)

    It will be ready when the trichs turn.
  14. Green Cross

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    The tone of the questioner reveals that he's a troll. And I don't explain things to trolls :lol:
  15. Green Cross

    If you are in illinois

    I'm still hopeful that Illinois will be the next state to adopt MM laws, but I'm afraid they will not vote there conscience in an election year. It's safer for them not to take a stand on any issue, and with Obama slipping in the polls they may decide to distance themselves (for the rest of the...
  16. Green Cross

    Washington residents, help please!

    This from the website FAQ: Why are depression and anxiety not included in the list of qualifying conditions? "The Medical Quality Assurance Commission has the authority to add qualifying conditions to the current list. The commission received a request to add these conditions to the...
  17. Green Cross

    Under A Cabin In The Woods of AK - AUH#2, White Rhino, Carolina, and MTU.

    Glad to see you're still kickin', and growing woodsman. :) I was hoping to run that blue strain, but now it looks like I may be relocating after my next harvest. Everything is up in the air. The plants look great. Happy harvest :bigjoint:
  18. Green Cross

    There's a lot of myth surrounding the "fim" technique - supposedly stands for "fuck I missed"...

    There's a lot of myth surrounding the "fim" technique - supposedly stands for "fuck I missed"... when some stoner apparently thought he had discovered some revolutionary new technique, by accident. Google it - it's nothing more than a sloppy and unpredictable way of topping, by nipping out...
  19. Green Cross

    The teas party "fanatics" have spoken!

    Are the Liberal Pukes in Washington listening now? LOL November 4, 2:49 AMSan Diego City Buzz ExaminerJonathan Harris "Tuesday's election results: A wake-up call to Democrats?" Is this the beginning of the end for Democrats? It is if you ask Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele...
  20. Green Cross

    Does active carbon need to be thoroughly washed before use? If so for how long?

    Using a simple google search: :roll: Here are the facts about the "effects of exposure to carbon (black). "What are the main health hazards associated with breathing in carbon black? Carbon black does not appear to cause significant harmful effects after a single short-term exposure...