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  1. Green Cross

    Medi Grow: Northern Lights, Aurora Indica, Sour Diesel and more!

    Bumping these bitches up:-P oops I guess thumbnails don't bump... :oops: Looks great twils and it looks like you got the canopy under control. I found a few naners on one of mine that was super cropped in early flower, so take a really close look next time you pull them out. Is this one the...
  2. Green Cross

    Yeah, anytime in veg is a good time to clone, and the lower branches are supposed to be better...

    Yeah, anytime in veg is a good time to clone, and the lower branches are supposed to be better, because they contain more of the plant hormone that encourages roots to develop.
  3. Green Cross

    Is Obama competent?

    Lieberman is now being threatened with expulsion if he doesn't march in lockstep to the fascists drum beat. Here's what Lieberman had to say about that :finger: I'm all for AIDS patients - and others who can't get affordable heath care - receiving treatment, but putting a gun to the heads of...
  4. Green Cross

    Portrait of a Traitor ...

    Add one to the list of 219 Dem traitors holding setting in the house of representatives - this character is not a republican nor a conservative, he's an advocate for big government - soon to lose his job - traitor. House Democrats Get One GOP Vote Louisiana Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao Bucks...
  5. Green Cross

    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    It's not a god issue it's a Islamic extremism issue. You don't see Christians going on killing rampages in the name of our God, please let's start calling a spade a spade, and stop with the liberal spin.... and let's quit using this war as an excuse to take away law abiding people's...
  6. Green Cross

    Anyone Here Closet Atheists?

    Apparently you don't disagree with my psychiatric analysis? Self esteem has a cure, try charity work :roll:
  7. Green Cross

    whos the sexyest woman on this site from uk

    Hey we agree on something! :bigjoint:
  8. Green Cross

    whos the sexyest woman on this site from uk

    Nobody caught the inaccuracies here? The french are cowards asians are poor drivers And I thought italians were wife beaters, while russians are drunks, although the Irish, and American Indians are drunks too. Everything esle appears to be an accurate stereotype
  9. Green Cross

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    You forgot... "attention" Right dude? Can call you dude. I've called many girls dude, and they seem to like it, but I guess you can't please everyone :wall:
  10. Green Cross

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    There you go again trying to blame bush for Obama's failures. News flash: BUSH ISNT THE PRESIDENT! Do you have an original thought, or at least directly debate the points I made - non of which defend former presidents? Reminder: the topic is big government
  11. Green Cross

    Anyone Here Closet Atheists?

    If you were proud of who you are everyone would know it. Instead you spend your time trying to tear others down, and feeling insecure about your self. Pathetic
  12. Green Cross

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    Why not just get "non-believer"
  13. Green Cross

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    First you need to get the idea out of your head that FOX news isn't creadible, or that republicans are bad, as an excuse to be a liberal. None of that crap matters The republicans aren't responsible - nor is FOX - for the failures in the Obama administration. Obama's big govenment policies...
  14. Green Cross

    i don't think i got the green thumb

    Start over and learn from the mistakes you made*. Those aren't worth trying to save "Improper watering and over fertilization
  15. Green Cross

    is this soil ok?

    You can bake it @ 200 degrees but it's going to stink :spew: Just spend $5 on a bag of soil, $5 on a bag of composted manure, and $5 on a bag of play sand :roll: It won't grow as well as a better mix with pealite in it, but you get out what you put in...
  16. Green Cross

    life in prision or suicide?

    I agree. there are plenty of ways to be productive in prison., Freedom is a state of mind
  17. Green Cross

    Could we please stop living under the assumption that everyone here is male?

    I strongly disagree mam! :-o The ratio of men to women may be 100 - 1, but 100% seems a stretch... :bigjoint:
  18. Green Cross

    If you are in illinois

    Not for a while :sad: Medical Marijuana Bill Awaiting House Floor Vote Last update: November 6, 2009 After passing the Senate on May 27, SB 1381, the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act, is awaiting a floor vote in the House. The measure was not brought to the House...
  19. Green Cross

    Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey

    Were you thinking something like this? feel free to re-size her if you like, tahoe :bigjoint: