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  1. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    I smoked that weed:bigjoint:I like the way you think...I would be a dumbass :dunce:to give it away. A couple grand sounds perfect right now.:bigjoint:
  2. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    Hey Masta, I am okay truely. I have also been tempted to rob a bank when I am super broke but didn't:lol:. Even though I posted this deep down I knew that the pills could never have a stronger hold on me than the love I get from my kids, grand kids, and puppy. The struggle with wanting to try...
  3. brasmith

    Brasmith's Hi-jack grow: from seedling to smoke

    The testers were great and even quick dried, now I have to wait for a slow dried bud so I can get the full affect and taste from the diller. I'll get back to ya'll about the overall taste and feel. I would however love to give a full report now, the wait really does suck. Glad you came by to...
  4. brasmith

    Brasmith's Hi-jack grow: from seedling to smoke

    She doesn't smoke it but she will eat a brownie once in a while and when it hits her she just sits there looking around :dunce::lol:, makes us all laugh. Wait till she eats a hijack brownie, I'll post a pic of her. Thanks Doc! for hanging out with me during the grow of the hijack. Hope you...
  5. brasmith

    Brasmith's Hi-jack grow: from seedling to smoke

    I took down the 6 flowering hijacks at nearly 10 weeks of flowering, perfect. After 2 testers, 2 weeks apart, the bud began to taste and feel just right. A week after the 2nd tester the ladies came into full maturity and got that nice golden overall look. About 90% of the hairs were receded back...
  6. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    The only ones I have ever tried was liberty caps...I ate 20 on the first try:dunce:, yep no one warned me and I ended up at the tavern crying:lol::wall:. Perhaps I am afraid of myself:lol:, which I have heard can make for a bad trip.
  7. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    As much as was left, and there was alot left. Yes there is enough here to get anyone going on a roll.
  8. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    Thanks for the kind words, Inspired. Even though the urge is there to take them, I probably won't. Sure helps to talk about it and to hear from others that may have had a similar struggle at some point in their life.
  9. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    One of the main reasons I quit crack is because I hated all the behaviors associated with running crazy behind it looking, lying, stealing.....just simply exhausting and deceptive. You are so right about knowing they are there is driving the urges. Outta sight, outta mind. The weed is already...
  10. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    You are right, I have put my enitre family through it before and it wasn't fair to them then and wouldn't be now.
  11. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    Regret is key in this whole picture. I can not stand to feel guilt or regret over choices in my life. I have already lived that picture, so now I try to make decisions based on how I will feel after. If the choices could induce guilt or regret onto others and me, I choose something else.
  12. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    I've heard they are worth alot of money, that is the main reservation I have about tossing them. They aren't worth anything if I swallow them.
  13. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    EXACTLY! That is the very reason addiction scares me so bad. Not that my life is all that but it would be nearly impossible for me to regain trust from my friends and family after I had the crack days so many years ago.
  14. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    The oxy's are the ones that have been most tempting, I have seen some high people on this shit. I have alot of the 10 mg tabs and thinking like an addict I tell myself just one won't hurt but I never only smoked one rock.....
  15. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    Throwing them out has been running through my head, no way to get addicted if they are not around.
  16. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    Those are the ones I have been most tempted to try. But I have known a couple of people who have been hooked real bad on them, have heard they are like herion. I have had the morphine drip before after a major surgery, it's a good high.
  17. brasmith

    Inheritance: a dilemma

    Some of you may know that I went to NC early November 09 and returned mid December 09. The reason I went is because my uncle was actively dieing and on Hospice. My trip there was to help my uncle and his wife deal with his immenant death. Well, he passed away high as a kite and comfortable on...
  18. brasmith

    Please confirm my suspicions please PICS

    Looks like a brand new calyxe forming, you should see 2 little hairs comming out within the next day or 2. :bigjoint:
  19. brasmith

    looks like 2 seeds on my lady (need opinions)

    Not based on any science or anything concrete but I have had it all happen during one grow or another. A few pollen sacs have opened in one of my grows and got a few seeds that I was unsure of, planted them and had great turnouts. Also have planted plenty of bag seeds with zero problems and...
  20. brasmith

    looks like 2 seeds on my lady (need opinions)

    You are welcome:bigjoint: