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  1. brasmith

    WTF is that 'worlds strongest strains' thread so popular?

    I went and chimed in over there about the duds money can buy.....oooops:roll:
  2. brasmith

    WTF is that 'worlds strongest strains' thread so popular?

    Bummer about your yard, mine does the same thing when it rains. Rained just about 5 days ago here and drenched the flowering hijack I put in the ground a month ago.
  3. brasmith

    Shrinking/Curling/Yellowing of the Bottom Half. Whats happening?!

    What about your ph? jawbrodt has given you some good advice and insight, do not give up on that plant. Do like jaw said and feed her. Every plant deserves a chance to be smoked:peace: I was thinking the same thing, but do ya think that the folier feeding he's doing could also have negative...
  4. brasmith

    Powdery Mildew Mothers

    The strain I had the pm problem with never got treated with anything and the pm began during veg time. Since the pm started out on the large and small fans I just kept it away from the buds by lots of picking. Without any treatment picking is the only other option to keep it out of the buds. 7...
  5. brasmith

    Powdery Mildew Mothers

    PM is some sneaky tricky shit. However PM is not always related to grow environments. Like someone else said above some strains are more prone to it while others are completely immune. I have one flower room and always have more than 1 strain going at a time. On my last flower cycle I had 3...
  6. brasmith

    swollen calyxes on buds?

    Normal towards the end of the flowering cycle. They look real good and nearly ready.
  7. brasmith

    What the heck is this? + Pics

    Looks like the typical aging of your main stalk. The older they get to more hardened off the trunk gets, totally normal. Now I do see what looks to be soil and perilite stuck to it, but that can be just flicked off. My experience and your pics say normal stalk development.
  8. brasmith

    oh Shit

    Dig holes and put them in the ground you would have less to worry about. Sitting in the sun in buckets will surely heat and dry up your root zone. The ground is your best bet especially since it sounds like you aren't able to get out there as frequently as they will need to be watered in those...
  9. brasmith

    Are you as tired of this as me?

    When I plant my summer tomato plants I put the seed directly in the ground and 2-3 days later seedlings are peeking out of the soil. I use pretty much the same method with pot seeds right into the peet pellets and then into the soil once they sprout 2-3 days later. It's so simple even a cave man...
  10. brasmith

    Tiger striped weed?

    Your plant is hungry. Feed it some veg nutrients or transplant into a bigger pot with new soil.
  11. brasmith

    Need Help, 7 weeks into flowering, with Pics.

    Your plant looks right on time. It is using the last of the nutrient supply which is normal for the last couple weeks of flower. When you flushed the soil of nutrients the plant naturally began to use what was left in the leaves. Your plant looks good and nearly ready for harvest. Kepp doing...
  12. brasmith

    WTF is this??

    The seedling is wierd and it is consistant through all the leaves. You'd think if it was a fluke that by the second or thrid set of leaves that it would grow out of a slight mutation. I am however questioning the soil you are using, what the heck is it? If by chance you have bad soil, that could...
  13. brasmith

    Help! Plants are 2/3 inches tall, and 6 inches wide?

    Absolutely they can be pinched/topped and you will get at least 2 tops. But unless you are dealing with height issues you could wait untill you get at least 5 or 6 nodes then pinch. Pinching causes bushiness/width and not pinching causes the plant to go tall w/ one main cola. Sounds like you are...
  14. brasmith

    easyRyder day26 and small gws23 pics Questions

    Do not folier feed flowering plants. The buds will retain the moisture and that can cause mold to grow inside the bud. That one leaf going colors is not a sign that the entire plant is having issues. Your whole plant looks nice and healthy. Right now it looks like it has a good balance of...
  15. brasmith

    Help! Plants are 2/3 inches tall, and 6 inches wide?

    They are indica. The grow pattern you are describing is typical for indicas. They all look normal and healthy
  16. brasmith

    Any ideas what this is???

    Looks like nute burn. Flush
  17. brasmith

    plants sopped growing

    Young plants that go into flower often take up to 2 weeks to show signs of sex. When I put my plants on their flower schedule I only begin to feed them their bloom nutes once they have had the 12/12 cycle for about 10 days. They can take some time to transition from veg to flower when they are...
  18. brasmith

    Showing signs of too much light with 250W HPS

    You might know me....American Idol auditions