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  1. N

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Disagree I have always kept my VPD in line... I did have to learn one must bump overall room temps up since leds do not heat the leaves etc like hps CMH
  2. N

    LED and Calmag issues.

    I had similar issues with the first gen HLG 288 boards I used for veg if I left them for more than 4 weeks under them but as soon as I put them under the 315 CMH lights they would clear right up I almost gave up on LEDs until I got the gen2 board no more mag issues
  3. N

    LED and Calmag issues.

    Indeed 1tbl per gallon clears mag issue up rather quickly
  4. N

    315 cmh vs led

    My ballasts came with Phillips bulbs, one only lasted a short time, I replaced it with eye hortilux and realized the other Philips was dim compared to the eye hortilux so i replaced it as well, either I got used bulbs or somethings up with that batch of their bulbs, been wanting to do a...
  5. N

    Marijuana Seeds

    Also Essos seeds, orange berry smoothie is nice in USA very fast shipping
  6. N

    Marijuana Seeds

    Greenpoint beans in a week great stable genitics, ,
  7. N

    From inDOOR to OUTdoor

    If your days are still getting longer they will change back to veg, then back to flower, sadly most of their energy will be spent re-vegging, I mismatched the daylight hours by an hour last year on some clones
  8. N

    Bad idea to take new grow lights with me in checked baggage to Mexico?

    Mexico has some strict and unusual laws about bringing in electronics, appliances etc. I would have someone mail them later...
  9. N

    Light burn?

    How's your ph been?
  10. N

    Can't figure out what is this

    Should have mentioned if your media/soil temps are too low, plants will can become mag def, took me week to figure this out several years ago, was winter my planters were close to the floor... something for the roll a dex...
  11. N

    ESA inspection

    I always use risk vs reward, I just do not see any reward, from inspection day forward no matter what caused a fire, flood or mold your now clued in insurance will blame your grow and refuse to pay, small towns require even more secrecy IMO
  12. N

    Humidity issue from exhaust fan, any suggestions?

    Put a humidity controller on you exhaust fan, then invest in a larger humidifier, I use a simple 1 gal humidifier, if you really want to maximize seedling & veg growth use the VPD chart..,, yes you absolutely can grow without paying any attention to humidity but wait until you see how healthy...
  13. N

    315 cmh vs led

    I am going to pop the bulb out and check the date I wrote on the ceramic base when this run finishes, that bulb has been in the longest over a year now, I swear it seems less bright the last couple weeks, we had many power failures due to weather the last few weeks poor bulbs were on, off ,on...
  14. N

    Jumping white bugs with runoff. What are they??

    When I first started my worm boxes I had a big case of springtails, I added diatomatious earth after they infected a couple of my pots when I added the worm casings to my soil, they disappeared, like everyone says they are harmless in small numbers, but they are also a distraction and always on...
  15. N

    LED and Calmag issues.

    I have two tents and a flowering room, small tent for raising clones and seedlings, second tent is for veg, seedling tent has HLG V2, veg tent has HLG V1 and flower room has HPS & CMH, All in the same building, same temps, humidity & air, I had some girls that took way longer to finish then...
  16. N

    315 cmh vs led

    Online at HTG now thank you for the heads up
  17. N

    315 cmh vs led

    The ballasts came with Phillips bulbs, recently been doing some recon, appears bulb failure is rare, as someone suggested I may have gotten used bulbs, I ran into new/used hps, I was new to CMH back then, i have nothing to compare these ballasts too, I always ran hps before, still do if plants...
  18. N

    315 cmh vs led

    Prisim ballasts, they have treated me very well....
  19. N

    315 cmh vs led

    At first I suspected the ballasts, but the latest bulbs have lasted a year, I suspect used bulbs could be the culprit alright, I will give Phillips another shot, the bulbs in one room are about a year old, how often do you change your bulbs? I read 20,000 hours, every year, & every 8 months... I...