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  1. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    Thanks for what? I was posting in response to thenotsoesoteric , not you.
  2. mindphuk

    Why do Hispanic people have the nerve

    Fuck you, you little prick! I certainly DO know what I'm talking about, but it appears you want to double down on your ignorance. YES, taking a name from one language to another preserving letter order is the definition of transliteration. Yes, Jesus is combined transliteration + Anglicisation...
  3. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    We don't know exactly what the universe is expanding into but I think you are more right than wrong. If there is not just our one universe, then there must be something outside of it. I looked before but could not find the quote where Michio Kaku is talking about our concept of 'nothing' and...
  4. mindphuk

    Why do Hispanic people have the nerve

    Please stop. You keep ignoring people that correct you. Jesus is a name that comes from transliteration of Yeshua to Greek and Latin. Continuing to claim that it was 'made-up' demonstrates more than ignorance because you have been told why English speakers call him Jesus. You just sound like...
  5. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    No. There are other explanations. You don't see with your eyes as much as you do with your brain. Your brain could be malfunctioning and misinterpreting the visual signals. Human brains misinterpret visual signals ALL OF THE TIME. Just google optical illusions. There are some illusions that...
  6. mindphuk

    Reza Aslan pimp slaps idiot anchorwoman

    Finished. It is clear that she had an agenda from the get-go and could not shift gears when it was demonstrated that her preconceptions were wrong. It's too bad she was such a poor interviewer, I would have liked to have heard more about the book from Reza rather than his necessary defense of...
  7. mindphuk

    Reza Aslan pimp slaps idiot anchorwoman

    I just saw the first minute, after he explained his credentials and the fact that this is an area of expertise, she responds, "it still begs the question why would you be interested in the founder of Christianity?" :wall: NO! It doesn't beg the question, he answered the question quite clear...
  8. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    Why do you insist on repeating the same comments in every post. If we read them once, you don't have to keep repeating them over and over and over. WE KNOW it was on your neighbors roof, WE KNOW you wish you had a camera, WE KNOW you think he was watching you because you are Christ (sorry...
  9. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    I disagree that you have been clear about what you meant. My point was that this thread is/was about M-theory. You claim that random, unknowledgeable people discussing it makes it metaphysics. It does not. When I look back at the posts preceding the actual post that you made this accusation, I...
  10. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    BTW, I perused the articles you mentioned. Basically, the hypothesis seems to be that light is affected by virtual particle anti-particle pairs. This doesn't seem to have as much to do with the actual limit of the speed of light but more about the nature of vacuum. IOW, if light is slowed by...
  11. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    Now you are being purposely obtuse. I did not deny that this thread was about metaphysics because some posts don't qualify to be part of this thread. I deny it is about metaphysics because it is about physics. If someone drunk-posts about their favorite movie in a thread about music, it doesn't...
  12. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    Another WTF moment from you. The OP is what the topic is about. Nothing arbitrary there. I'm not deciding which posts are included yet when someone is admittedly drunk posting OT, I tend to not consider that "what the thread is about." I'm not interested in discussing this topic. If you do, you...
  13. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    Sorry but I don't consider drunk posting to be part of the actual discussion. If a few of the usual suspects attempt to bring god into this discussion, it still does not make the thread about metaphysics. We should only go by the content and intent of the OP. Are you actually claiming that our...
  14. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    Way to avoid the whole subjective/objective point that I made. :( You really have a hard time with conversing with others, you seem to repeatedly infer things that have not been said or implied and respond to those imaginary points. You should try to stay on point once in awhile then people...
  15. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    If I can't tell how far along in pregnancy a woman is doesn't make the fact that she's pregnant subjective or an opinion. If you have a mental illness, it is not subjective. This is just more of your delusional (and dangerous) thinking, wanting your illness to be something that is an opinion...
  16. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    Yet that is not what was being done in this thread. AFAICT, no one had strayed into the realm of metaphysics, yet you blithely declare that is what this thread is about. Just because most of these posters do not know or understand the math behind the theory does not automatically make the...
  17. mindphuk

    M-Theory/String Theory

    Not in the post that I responded to. You made no mention of pseudo-science. String theory is physics, not metaphysics. Learn the difference. Maybe you should work on writing more clearly. My reading comprehension is fine. You said, "We don't know for sure if the Universe is expanding from a...
  18. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    I was making the arbitrary point of a star a day merely as a convenient reference to point out to those that can't fathom large numbers the magnitude of the problem. I'm not saying anything is impossible or that they are restricted to one a day. Make it a star an hour or minute, I don't care...
  19. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    Too many other star systems out there. As I pointed out, mathematically, even if a civilization could visit a new star system every day, they could search for a million years and have only explored 1/10 of 1% of the Milky Way. Given that if they are anything like us, they would be using probes...
  20. mindphuk

    What do you know about aliens?

    The speed of light barrier only applies with accelerating mass. There appear to be some possible ways to get around the apparent barrier with current understanding of physics. Who's to say that an even more advanced knowledge of physics won't bring new ideas? That said, I still think it is...