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  1. D

    Cold Grow In uninsulated/unheated Metal Shed

    Deffinitley showing purple coloring from the cold. The heat from the pump will warm the res solution and help maintain a survivable condition but make no mistake, the plant would be doing better with heat. There is a huge diff. in helping a plant survive and helping it thrive. Your yield will...
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    final pot size help

    What you are suggesting sounds fine to me. The plant will grow into the pot and if it exceeds that pot it might be possible to repot again although not normally needed.
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    1st Annual RIU Spring Festival 4/20,4/21,4/22,FRI,SAT,SUN!

    OH MAN! I am so in. Sign me up JJ. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Geez I'm just about giddy. I was just really bummed I had to miss the last one but I won't miss this one. I don't care where it is. The twenty acre place with a lake sounded bomb. A big tent for a hotel? Just thinking out...
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    i bought a RANGER bass boat

    I was working in a pet shop when I was about ten and a guy walks in and tells the owner he has a litter of bobcat kittens and how would she like some. He said at the time that he believed them to be a cross and seeing as how it was fifty years ago I can't say why he knew that but I ended up with...
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    need an older grower to tell me if i made the right choice

    aluminum foil sucks. best bang for your buck is flat white paint.
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    need an older grower to tell me if i made the right choice

    yeahh, well that's a nice and easy start just don't expect a big yeild cuz that ain't gonna happen but give it a shot and have some fun
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    for all you pro's, if you were teaching?

    There is a shit ton of information between basics and really kickin out some nice product. That is not to say you have to get overly complicated with your grow (you don't) but being prepared for issues with the knowledge required to fix problems quickly is a definite plus. In it's most basic...
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    Should i just harvest this at three weeks?

    It's truly not a big risk here either way so if you feel good about harvesting then go for it. Kinda odd little plant thoough ehh?
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    yellowing leaves??

    From my experience it seems pretty normal. I think under normal lifecycle conditions, this is part of the fall dying phase of the plant. I say normal because some plants just don't want to follow the rules and want to become perrineals. A lot of people seem to want to fight this condition but I...
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    :) First Grow... Be gentle with me... ***New PICS***

    Nice pic's. Not sure if you are asking but yeah, few more weeks, but they look nice. Popcorn or colas?
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    Clone Sizes

    I had a rather significant branch break off in a tip over so I took a big chunk of the end of the branch and stuck it in a cube and it thrived. No loss of leaves and it did just really well when I grew it out. I think the bigger the better at this point. Proof is in the pudding
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    Cloning From Feminized Seeds - Is It Possible, Difficult or Impossible?

    I am no expert but what you are saying did not happen and has not been my experience at all. I cloned many times from feminized seeds without having any issues at all. Not sayin you're full of shit............just sayin!
  13. D

    Exceeding SB 420 limits

    I don't know which sentence I said that in but the OP had an issue with cops kicking his door in and ripping his shit. Somehow they figured out he had more than six plants. Possibly that is where I came up with the idea. WTF? All I'm saying is that laws that protect us are great and all but...
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    Exceeding SB 420 limits

    The thing is, in the real world your plan sucks and here is why. Anyone with half a brain (unfortunatly this would describe MOST of law enforcment) knows that if you are growing more than six plants you are a commercial grower. At that point ypu fall under the title "Public Menace" as far as the...
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    Almost 400 Plants and They Left Us Here?

    A Lawyer will probably get you off but the pain is going to be enormous. No such thing as a safe number. cops are dicks and will cause whatever pain they feel they need to extract to save society from you. No skin off their nose.
  16. D

    bud length. how much does it lose when drying

    The cola is all flowers along a lateral branch so when it drys is it really loses nothing in length. It would be like trying to shrink a stick. Won't happen, at least not noticeably. I experienced about 70% loss in weight.
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    DIY CO2 Controller relay with motorized damper FREE C02! (or close to free)

    How are things working out so far? Would like to see an update. Very interesting work there young man.
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    Is there any real growing forums??

    eveyon's stupid but thee and me and sometimes I wonder about thee!
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    grow room temps in the 50s

    Sorry I missed that part about the fan. Why donchya just slow the fan down a tad and raise the temp a bit?
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    grow room temps in the 50s

    Do you run a non exhausted HPS Light and still hit in the 50's?