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  1. D

    Actinovate? Powdery mildew

    Too late now I suppose but I was going to ask if you had ever used the milk solution. That just kicked ass on my PM!
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    Any one de-leaf fan leaves in Flower??

    Everything in moderation I say. If you have a good reason to bend a rule of thumb then go for it. You have an obviously robust plant that could tak a haircut and not blink. I start with anything and I mean anything that is not perfect and green. That's a good start and then try to create airflow...
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    i am petey hear me roar.

    Pete Rocks!!
  4. D

    Can you store cuttings or clones for future use???

    You can store them for as long as you want. It's called "vegging"
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    Anyone ever

    Exactly what I was thinking. Grow a cabbage or something
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    clone question.

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    DIY CO2 Controller relay with motorized damper FREE C02! (or close to free)

    Not that I'm questioning your logic but how is it that exhaust is a pollutant if you can turn around and use the same gas to grow 30% more plant material in a room as opposed to just venting outdoors. Wouldn't the same gas be a good thing and make plants grow outdoors too?
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    DIY CO2 Controller relay with motorized damper FREE C02! (or close to free)

    Welcome aboard. You will make a fine Electrical Engineer someday. Nice job! I was curious about how many PPM'S a medium size room would obtain if a household water heater was vented unfettered into the room? What's your plan on controlling the heat issues?
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    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    OK, now see that's what I was cautioning you about. If you do everything at once then you don't know what helped and what hurt. choose the most likely cause of the drooping and deal with it one step at a time. avoid confusing the issue. Don't worry about haters and trolls. Nothing to be done...
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    just your thoughts on what u think

    Looks pretty good so far! Best investment you can make will be a moisture meter. Very easy to over or under water although it apears that you have done well so far. Have you decided on how you are goin g to proceed like are you going to top for four main colas or lst or what? good luck
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    BigBud and friends first time in Coco Coir

    When you water I would submerge the pot in water/nutes untill all of the air is expelled and then let it drain untill it stops. This allows more wet area of the pot for the roots to expand into. You don't have to do this every time but i believe it helps to do it every now and again.
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    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    In my coco grow I could visibly see salt crystal on the rootball surface. I had to flush once or twice a month and I just completely submerged the rooball untill all the air was out of the ball and when I pulled it out it would just drain the salt crystals away. I had visable postive responses...
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    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    Shoot, I forgot all about the flushing. At about this stage of the game I flushed about once a month with good results. Doesn't hurt and I think it needs to be done every now and then especially at high ppn's.
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    Are FEMINIZED seeds 100%?

    My feminized seeds were 100% female, no hermies no problems.
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    1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

    Gobble gobble means spark it up in turkey!!
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    Pointers on getting my plants healthy and bushy

    Sun, soil and fertilizer will do the trick but the secret is in limiting the stress on a plant and providing what it needs ro survive. Those things are sun, lot's of it can't get enough sunlight, good uncompacted soil rich in basics or provide those through feedings. Watering schedule is...
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    new hydro invention

    Stack two together?
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    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    Dude! You have a lot of time on your hands or what? Just feed it every other day if not every day and tweek your nutes up untill she burns. Flush imidiatly and lower the nutes by 5 or 10% and burn em again in about a month to find the upper limit.
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    Butterfly Bush

    We have a hen pheasant that has taken up residence in our back yard so we protect the cat's by putting them in a propogation dome. they do very well in there and we get to watch them from start to finish. Just a remarkable act of nature! The monarch cat's are brightly colored to let everything...
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    Garden Beans

    yeah well I don't want to overstate the obvious but you're a little late to the party No? Plant them in the spring and pull them out earlier rather than later and you will have a bountiful feast of fresh green beens all summer. They get tougher as the plant matures and you will end up fighting...