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  1. soul11223

    What's Up Jersey Growers?

    Shit I’d grow for them and I’m sure alot of others would too. Cheers
  2. soul11223

    Does Size Matter?

    I have to tape the condom on cause it’s always falling off
  3. soul11223

    Is My Pre Teen Clone Dead? Help Please Pic Attached!

    I would put that under 24hour light right away
  4. soul11223

    Would You Mess Around With A Fat Girl?

    I would tease her with some corndogs
  5. soul11223

    Budget Water Purification - When Ppm's are Too High!

    I’ve been using Brita filters and they work fine I would look into getting one
  6. soul11223

    I Fucked Up

    Diamonds and dinner at a expensive restaurant
  7. soul11223

    What do You Guys Think so far?

    It has grown alot since thursday but wondering if you think theres hope?
  8. soul11223

    What do You Guys Think so far?

    I have no clue i got them from a friend who couldn’t take care its organic soil is all i know i got 2 cfl’s on them.
  9. soul11223

    What do You Guys Think so far?

    These are 4 weeks old just trying to get some feed back on them so far
  10. soul11223

    Seedling Help Part 2

    all we ask is some pics at the end. cheers
  11. soul11223

    Next Generation Pot Head Skater Rapper

    It’s funny i was just watching drugs on my mind then here it is again, nice
  12. soul11223

    Seedling Help Part 2

    Yeah put them on now, anything 12 hours or higher is good for veg putting them on longer makes them grow faster. with the cfls you want to have atleast the 25 watt (100 watts) you get them at home depot for like 6 bucks for a pack of 2. i would have the t5 over the plant at the cfls around. also...
  13. soul11223

    So I Turn On The TV

    I seen this before and sent out for the water i put down for my name Satan jesuscummings and it worked lol
  14. soul11223

    Seedling Help Part 2

    also lower the lights to keep them from starching your going to need 6-8 cfl to cover all of them also
  15. soul11223

    Seedling Help Part 2

    I got my light at 18/6 but I would start on 24 with the new ones, Veg for a mouth then go to 12/12 for flowering. You def have to transfer to 3-5 gal pots in prob 2 weeks t5’s are a good bang for your buck remember the more light the happier they’ll be. start the nutes when you...
  16. soul11223

    First Time Ordering Seeds

    greendot works for me just got to pay alittle extra but worth it
  17. soul11223

    First Time Ordering Seeds

    NO CASH either a pre paid card or money order
  18. soul11223

    Cutting vs. Pulling Leaves Off

    Dead leaves should come off with ease now alive could strip more off then you would want which could lead to some nasty disease or fungi. Clean trimmers always
  19. soul11223

    I Need an Excuse!

    why not just sneak down or even smoke out your window with a wet towel by the door. ahhh to be young again
  20. soul11223

    Roses vs Marijuana?

    Welcome to our world lol. but yeah growing MJ isn’t has hard as you might have heard and your at the right site with any questions you might have. Cheers!!!!