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  1. S

    Question on exhaust/light

    if its a cooltube use black ducting and if you need to make a bend in the ducting otherwise block the end of with some kind of air filter which you an get at grow shops
  2. S

    Temp issues which inline???

    cooltube and silencer solve all your problems
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    planta not flowering after a month of 12/12

    thanks for the advice ill give em another week before i try the 48 hour thing seing as their femmed they will probably hermie
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    planta not flowering after a month of 12/12

    i can tell if my light is on because i put my hand on the exhuast if its hot light is on but i hav chekd it randomly during the day and its cold so lights are off.My timer is 6 months old and is the best one i could buy surge porrf digital timer from a proper grow shop.It must be a dam light...
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    planta not flowering after a month of 12/12

    guess i just hav to wait and see what happens
  6. S

    planta not flowering after a month of 12/12

    Hi first off sorry for doubling posting new to the forums and only saw this section after i posted in the general marijuana growing section, this section is much more suited to my circumstances. Hi, SO i am currently growing 3 feminized seeds under a screen at the moment.I vegged em for...
  7. S

    What is going on?

    anyone please i move in 6 weeks?
  8. S

    What is going on?

    Hi, SO i am currently growing 3 feminized seeds under a screen at the moment.I vegged em for about 3 weeks and they are under a 250w cool tube anyhow i put them on 12/12 about a a month ago and they really haven't done a lot.They have grown a bit but non of them have started flowering?this is...
  9. S

    So im a little creeped out ....

    download thor it if u want the download link
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    Wally's closet. 600 Watter

    Hey wally not sure if this has been mentioned but i saw on one of the pages what looked like a mirror in your grow room. Mirrors are bad they do not reflect light they absorb it would highly recommend pulling it out of your cupboard and replacing with Mylar or something white nice grow between...
  11. S

    Interesting situation

    cool thanks for the advice
  12. S

    Interesting situation

    sweet summer is coming by soon i know their not technically an outdoor strand but im not to worried :)
  13. S

    Interesting situation

    okay learnt something new already but it didn't Hermie until i stressed it so is this an indicator of anything good?
  14. S

    Interesting situation

    Hi guys new to the forums first post and its an interesting one. I'm after a bit of expert advice as this question is in a somewhat grey are area anywho this is the tale A friend and i received two clones each one big bud and one white rhino. He vegged his clones for a month or so and i went...
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    Interesting situation

    thanks moved to seed section :)