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    Stop what you are doing, and look at this.... DROP YOUR LIGHTS A FOOT!

    Also, droopping the light 8 inches means 8 more inches of canopy penetration...sounds pretty badass for those big thick bushes.
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    flowering 24/7 technique, has anyone thought of this?

    That's what we all problem...then you slip up or something happens and you have 24 hermies lol...account for the unexpected.
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    Most effective way of getting light to lower growth?

    Thanks A lot guys, sounds like a great idea. I'm sure i got some old CFLS around the house...I am in flowering do i need specials bulbs or somethin?
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    What do you think of my proposal ? I would like something done

    I agree with Andy, inefficent..It would work but its silly. Set the plants up in a circle or however around the lights and hang all the lights in the middle. If you could I would do a mix of MH and HPS and have the rotating to get the best spectrum and intensity all around. No matter what your...
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    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I see everyone jumping on your bandwagon, but I really don't see why.. you also provide nearly NO evidence that 1. Says not flushing is more beneficial or 2. Flushing is harmful...You give 1 example based upon your own ethos..not very credible IMHO. Yeah, your buds look great and I'm sure they...
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    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    You really think not flushing retains potency? I do not agree. I doubt it has any relevance to potency at all in fact.
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    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I partially an extent. But are you honestly saying that nutrients are ONLY stored and transferred in the leaves of the plant? Also, I use every leaf of every plant for baking etc are you saying if I don't want to eat a bunch of chemicals etc.. that I Should flush? Also, It...
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    Most effective way of getting light to lower growth?

    I have these big ol' stocks, stacked with budding points, coming out of the very bottom of my plant so they are not getting as much light as I'd like them to. I am really trying to maximize my yields here and have tried a few off-beat techniques without a TON of success. I am using a 400w and...
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    400 watt HPS bulb?

    I know this thread is old, but I really want to know what your difference in yield was flowering with Metal Halide. I have heard of good results and bad results and i am trying to figure out what I should do. If you could get back to me I would really appreciate it.
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    Hows my plant going along ?

    The seedling looks fine, if your watering with decent enough time inbetween for the soil to sufficiently dry you should be fine. Sometime leaves droop, doesn't mean there's necessarily a problem. And yours are not drooping excessively or showing any other signs of being too out of whack from my...
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    Help Diagnose This Deficiency!!!! Mag or PH Lockout? PICS INSIDE

    I'd say a potassium deficiency caused by acidic soil from salt buildup/improper Ph. Try a nice flush and see how they react.
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    mellow yellow?

    Umm, okay..A few questions. 1. Why are you growing, is that three plants? In the same pot?? 2. How are you going to sex a plant at that stage? It looks less than a few weeks old? 3. Your plant looks overwatered and maybe a slight lack of N, but that could be total bs just a guess at the slight...
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    Is this plant a hermaphrodite? Nervous first time grower here!!

    Good call on this if your plants aren't already pollenated, pollenate a branch and collect seeds for next round.
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    Is this plant a hermaphrodite? Nervous first time grower here!!

    Only time will tell, Just like the male/female thing. I have been deceived by those white hairs before as well. This male looks particularly far along...Are any of the little sacs opened up? That could be a clear sign that they have been spreading pollen to the females. If you left it in there...
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    Is it temperature, nutes or a combination?

    I can't tell how cold it gets in there at night but i can't imagine it's that you get purpling with your temps? Because if your not and I am most likely my temps are below 60 at some point and I am not really combfortable with that.
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    Is it temperature, nutes or a combination?

    wierd, hasn't been fed for a few days now and it responded very well to the feeding. Temps will be fixed tonight then, what affect can the temps have on my crops?
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    Is it temperature, nutes or a combination?

    This picture pretty much sums up my problem of the day, weak stretchy stems coming out of top right after flipping to flower and they are purple. Also you can see the tips of a few leaves browning and dying off in the area...I found some more purple stems on my other plants as well even some...
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    400w Auto Grow...

    463 posts, 47 pages...1 like...stoners....
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    Small space good results!

    Damn, you got a ton of pictures haha. Good job man, that's a decent sized space though. How much you pull?