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  1. BendBrewer

    tea bag thuggery!

    If I did, will you finally admit that you are being lead around by the nose by a billionaire from Australia in the form of Propaganda? If I did, would you admit that this is a non story being pushed by a biased 'news' organization with the intent of manipulating voters? If I did, would you...
  2. BendBrewer

    Brewing Beer With Cannabis

    I brew my own beer and grow my own weed. Good luck. I'll continue to enjoy them the old fashioned way.
  3. BendBrewer

    tea bag thuggery!

    "HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!" Who considers a call to vote as "thuggery"? That's just stupid, ignorant and well completely...
  4. BendBrewer

    tea bag thuggery!

    Charles Koch: 'We have Saddam Hussein' in Obama, must fight 'the mother of all wars' Here's a question: Will calling Obama Saddam Hussein be as horrifying to the folks at Fox News as Teamsters' President James Hoffa calling Republicans "son of bitches." Yeah, right. (It's why I laugh at the...
  5. BendBrewer

    Redneck Water Fountain

    It's Red today.............
  6. BendBrewer

    The Final Solution

    Yeah, I don't listen to Glenn Beck or Alex Jones so I am no where near as paranoid as you seem to be. Sorry, I cannot even relate to your level of paranoia. Don't think I can help you. You're going to die. I have no idea when. But be afraid every second until that happens because one day...
  7. BendBrewer

    The Final Solution

    When you learn to formulate your own opinions and express them, let me know. Then we can talk. Enjoy your tv.
  8. BendBrewer

    The Final Solution

    How about you formulate your own opinions and express them in your own words? That's kinda the idea behind these threads. If I wanted to watch videos, I'll go directly to YouTube. This is supposed to be a discussion. Discuss.
  9. BendBrewer

    Redneck Water Fountain

    It's Oregon. He's sitting out playing guitar next to it now.
  10. BendBrewer

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    You mean she wants to marry me?!?!?!?
  11. BendBrewer

    The Final Solution

    I bet it is a real cute video. Why do you care what an uneducated Branch Davidian has to say in the first place? I wish people that did watch video would raise their standards. The Glenn Becks and Alex Jones' of the world have made you stupid enough already.
  12. BendBrewer

    Texas more than Happy to Take Federal Dollars if it's for them

    This ought to piss off those Conservative Tea Baggers in Texas. But it doesn't. They are all for Federal Dollars as long as they go to them. Federal Spending to the Rescue!!!!!! Mark it down...
  13. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul Pwns liberal mindset

    I have not been debating you. I have been educating you. You're welcome.
  14. BendBrewer

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Who is in?
  15. BendBrewer

    Who's your NCAA team?

    Nothing wrong with East Lansing.
  16. BendBrewer

    Who's your NCAA team?

    No. 1 Oregon runs past USC 53-32
  17. BendBrewer

    Redneck Water Fountain

    So a couple of days ago I notice across the street from my office a 12- 15 gallon clear tub of water with a pump in it, running outside on the lawn of one of the apartments. Being a DWC guy I think, "That looks a bit familiar. What the hell is that guy doing over there?" Then yesterday I...
  18. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul Pwns liberal mindset

    Because it is a tax cut on the middle class not the rich. Are you new to this? Maybe a good thing if you didn't vote. You don't seem to have enough accurate information to make any type of educated choice. Leave the voting to your parents for now.
  19. BendBrewer

    2nd week vegative process

    You don't want to be. They'll stretch all on their own, you just want to make sure they don't stretch too much.
  20. BendBrewer

    Ron Paul Pwns liberal mindset

    I am saying that you should read more and type less.