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  1. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Gee, ok. I lose. Still doesn't change the fact that you have been dead wrong all day Fido. You want your biscuit now Big Dog?
  2. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    I really don't give a fuck what you think. You need to go soak your pussy.
  3. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Dude just stop. Really. Or do a little research. *hint (the answer isn't in your ass. Stop pulling stuff out of it.)
  4. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    The guy founded and runs Did you really need your ass handed to you or were you just feeling left out?
  5. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Whatever helps you sleep at night man. No, the Tea Party has no racist element. Not a one. All those black hating folks in America vote for Dems. Who do you think you fool?
  6. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Why do Tea Party folks call themselves Real Americans? Why do Tea Party folks think I am not a real American? Why did the OP try to spin the fact that Tea Party folks consider themselves Real Americans and therefore other folks as Anti-Americans with this extremely misleading thread? I guess...
  7. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    What term did I use and when the fuck did I address you?
  8. BendBrewer

    Air pump question

    That's probably over kill for just an 18 gallon tote. I run an 80 watt pump to push 12 stones. You could probably get by with a 4 port fish air pump. I use one for my compost tea and it is listed at 167 gallons or something. That should be plenty of air for that tote. The commercial pumps...
  9. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    How does requiring everyone to be repsonsible for their own HC Coverage equate to Socialism? It's the exact fuckin opposite. It amazes me that people try to use words they don't know the meaning of. How exactly is that fucking socialism? You know what socialism is? You don't get HC...
  10. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    The Tea Party only emerged after the word Republican was destroyed by a horrible administration. The Tea Party today is mainly comprised of Bush Supporters who can no longer admit it. Ron Paul is the real Tea Party and the Teta Baggers hate him. That's all you need to know right there. It's...
  11. BendBrewer

    Browning film on roots 2 days after adding voodoo juice DWC

    Look into Heisenberg's Compost Tea. How to brew your own microbes in the DWC section. That shit has saved many a dwc systems and it'll talk you out of that expensive h2o2 crap.
  12. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    The picture above shows Dale Robertson at a Tea Party event. Dale Robertson is the Founder and Creator of Or as the OP refers to him, a plant. Who do you think you fool Fido?
  13. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Ok, I am going to show you a picture of a Tea Party leader holding a sign that has the word Nigger misspelled. How are you going to spin that one you Big Doggie? If you do it right, I'll toss you a biscuit. If you don't, you're going to have to sit and stay. Ready?
  14. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Didn't use that word. The Tea Baggers I have seen do have a problem about getting passed the color of other people's skin. Would you like to see some photos of Tea Baggers displaying such a problem? To deny that exists is woefully ignorant. And no, these people do not speak for all people in...
  15. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    Tea Party = Real Americans. That's their line. What could they possibly mean by that besides everyone else is anti-american. Why did you try to throw your snakes onto non tea baggers?
  16. BendBrewer

    What is un-American About The Tea Party

    I think it is the Tea Party that claims everyone else is anti-american. They are the ones that refer to themselves as "Real Americans". The majority of Americans just think the Tea Party is a bunch of short sighted Americans that can't spell or get passed other people's skin color. But as far...
  17. BendBrewer

    Help understanding...

    I would get the cheap 6" net pots at a hydro store and make your own 'lids' out of 5 gallon bucket lids. Lowes buckets are the best imo. They block out the light and the lid is more user friendly than other ones. Get these: NOT these:
  18. BendBrewer

    Help understanding...

    If you are a DIY guy, yeah build one. I grow in 5 gallon buckets. 1 per. My buckets are 2 feet apart on center and it gets crowded. If I used a tub that size, I would only grow one plant in it and LST the hell out of it. If you grew 6 plants in there, they had better be bonzi. And if you...
  19. BendBrewer

    tea bag thuggery!

    Sure. Let's start with the idea that your emotions were effected by a misleading and edited news report by various Right Wing Media outlets. Let's discuss the idea that these outlets that are running with this fabricated story seem to be coordinated. Let's discuss the idea that the...
  20. BendBrewer

    tea bag thuggery!

    Agreed. Remember sitting with your mom and/or dad after they got home from work? Sit and watch 30 minutes of news and that's all one needed. That's still the case today but it doesn't really work for 24/7 news stations. There just isn't that much news. Hence why Fox resorts to making shit...