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  1. D

    Will these grow?

    Will they grow? Sure. How big/great? Probably not amazing, especially if they are staying in those containers. If you keep them in the window your flower cycle will be completely dependent on nature. The box could keep water from getting on your window sill I guess, or on your carpet...
  2. D

    what is the max safe temp with c02

    In order to utilize 1500 PPM of CO2 your temps will need to be above 85. Jorge Cervantes is quoted as saying 95 is the upper threshold of temperature in a CO2 supplemented room, but still that's a little on the hot side. Any less than 85 and you won't be utilizing all of the CO2 though. We...
  3. D

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    The racial stereotyped version of Jury-Rigged, aka put together with stuff you have on hand, or in a fashion that wouldn't be accepted as "professional".
  4. D

    humboldt county snowstorm?

    Couldn't find an "ingredients" list. But I did find the MSDS sheet from Sunlight Supply for Snowstorm: Triangle/Snow Storm MSDS.pdf It claims that everything in it are all FDA approved ingredients. So if it's good enough for Monsanto, Kroger, and...
  5. D

    Should I Jar? I always get it wrong...

    Just be careful with your standard "outdoor temp and humidity" meters. You will want to check out the manufacturers information and see how accurate they are. The Caliber III that I mentioned are +/- 1% as it is designed for use in a humidor which requires a very accurate humidity reading...
  6. D

    Should I Jar? I always get it wrong...

  7. D

    humboldt county snowstorm?

    Jesus, I just read the first 3 pages of this thread and it was just back and forth rhetoric of who has a bigger virtual dick. Let's get real folks, without side by side comparisons of identical clones in identical conditions there's absolutely nothing to discuss. If you don't have proof or...
  8. D

    where can i find some azomite

    I found this google thing...shit is amazing. If you type "azomite" into google, it will bring you back all sorts of web pages that sell azomite. I couldn't believe it when I first used it. You should try it!
  9. D

    best cfl for clones

    Yeah, I was comparing to HID/Induction/LED. Not to other fluoros.
  10. D

    Using coco as hydro medium

    There's like 200 guides on the internet about using Coco in a variety of grow styles. Find which one you are interested and research it, or research them all and choose the style that is best for you. The one thing I thought I would mention is that Coco doesn't necessarily "drain" that well...
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    Put fans on established seedlings. Nothing too fast or direct. Get better lighting and read a book!
  12. D

    indoor grow 4 sick seedlings? white spots on leafs. nutrient burn possibly?

    Is the medium you are using amended? The seedling should have enough energy from it's seed to last a couple weeks without needing any food. If your soil had nutrients in it then there is no reason to add fertilizer immeditately, and to be honest, I wouldn't fertilize much until I transplanted...
  13. D

    Plant is oozing amber colored syrup.

    Interesting shit for sure.
  14. D

    Lighting Question For Mothers and Clones

    T5 is the way to go for everything veg and clone. CFL will work for clone, but should definitely not be used during veg if you're looking for most efficient growth.
  15. D

    best cfl for clones

    CFLs are fine for cloning, but I wouldn't use them outside of anything for that. They produce the least amount of L/W, so are essentially the most inefficient light for growth.
  16. D

    I messed up!! Left lights on in flower!

    Yeah, honestly it shouldn't really be a problem unless your strain is really unstable and pre-disposed to hermaphrodism. We have done some hellacious things regarding lighting to our stuff in the past and have never really seen any ill results. Although I'm not recommending to stray from the...
  17. D

    Lots of advice from people - how good is it?

    LOL. Good shit and true. Advice is only worth what you paid for it. The advice your buddy gave you about switching to 10's was because that is his preferred method. Is there any difference between flowering 2 5 gallon plants and 1 10 gallon plant? Not as long as they were vegged to max...
  18. D

    is it ok the roots are getting light ?

    Haha, well everyone wants the biggest yield as possible. What he meant was, as big as your area/lighting/budget can support. Most indica varieties will stretch 1x-2x their height during flowering, so you need to take that into account. If your strain has Sativa traits than it could stretch...
  19. D

    Should I Jar? I always get it wrong...

    If the stems of the large buds are breaking then they are definitely ready to jar. There's actually no such thing as jarring them too early honestly, but there is such thing as leaving your jars closed for too long with too high of a humidity though and that's what you need to be careful of...
  20. D


    Slowing down the exhaust would create positive pressure inside the tent if you didn't slow down the intake. If the intake is active, it would need to be slowed down as well to prevent a pressure difference. If it's passive, it ultimately wouldn't matter. The best answer is to work in a sealed...