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  1. D

    The best drying/curing investment I ever made

    I would not rest the cure of my harvest in the hands of that sunbeam thing. The first review even says that the guy bought 2, sat them side by side and they were 15% off from each other. The Caliber III from Western Humidor is a very accurate piece of equipment for a very important stage of...
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    SPIDER MITES DURING 12/12 hot shot no pest strip 19 days into flowering

    lol, shit sounds like an advert.
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    SPIDER MITES DURING 12/12 hot shot no pest strip 19 days into flowering

    Indeed! I was skeptical at first also after first reading/hearing about it. The manufacturer does tell you straight up that it's more or less just water though. Perhaps they call it "frequency imprinted water". I don't remember the exact lingo they used. Besides the lack of technical...
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    SPIDER MITES DURING 12/12 hot shot no pest strip 19 days into flowering

    In my opinion, after about a year of experience with curing multiple gardens of spider mites I would venture to say that Mighty Wash is better for the actual curing of spider mites, where as neem oil does a great job at preventing them at a much more affordable rate for multiple uses during a...
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    Yes. You will need to use one of the females to use colloidal silver or giberellic acid to create female pollen sacs in which you can pollenate the other female. This will give you a feminized cross.
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    Whats the longest

    Did you germinate your seeds before planting? I pop mine in tree bark plugs because they are easy to keep track of their progress versus covered in dirt.
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    Which way for air flow

    Your 400CFM fan should be on the end of the chain, after all the lights DRAWING air through your hoods. The second fan can be anywhere else in the chain and will give you about the same results. In between the two hoods is fine, or before the first hood is fine also. You want to make sure you...
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    Difference between Sea of Green and Scrog

    Sea of green is way easier and way less work. You place as many plants as you need in your area to create a solid canopy of buds at a desired height. Screen of green involves more attention and more training of plants through a screen that is placed above your desired canopy level. You get...
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    4x8 tent

    2 1000's can definitely be tricky in tents due to heat. If you have air-cooling, and your ambient temperatures around the tent are in check then you could probably get it done. 600 watts are the preferred wattage size in tents strictly for heat reduction. I prefer 1000w digital ballasts...
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    Perfect time to start curing?

    You can never put buds in jars too soon, you can only keep them closed too long creating an optimal environment for mold, or you dry them too far before jarring and they never actually cure. People always want a "how long is long enough", but the real answer is how much humidity is left in the...
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    Second grow, trying to do it right. This post got no love in 2 other forums.

    Maybe you're getting no love because your entire post is in bold, and feels like it all runs together. I'm sure it's well typed if I actually wanted to read through it but something about two lumped paragraphs completely in bold with no separation, outline, or summaries makes it hard to want to...
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    LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

    Hey Professur, what was your yield with your T5 setup and how big of an area did you use? I definitely dig the whole concept and love all the facts you have put together. Well done and definitely impressed with the growth for being T5. Could you point me to final flowering pictures so I don't...
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    What Fan Should I Use For A 4x8 Tent With 2x1000w Lights?

    Yes, I believe a 6" can fan will handle 2 hoods, but I wouldn't go more than 2 hoods on a 6".
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    Best Bucket to use..

    Mmm, I've never seen a name-brand bucket. My local shop sells 3 5 and 8 gallon buckets in black with lids. You definitely want black to prevent algae growth in your buckets. Any 5 gallon dark colored bucket will work great.
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    where can i find some azomite

    Pelletized is pellets. Powder is powder. It's like sticking a block of sugar in a cup of water vs. sugar granules. The granules will dissolve much faster and easier then the block, however over time they will still both dissolve. There's probably no difference other than the pellets take a...
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    Activated carbon dust on buds!!!!! Help!!!!!!

    You could try to use Power Wash by NPK Industries. Its safe to use up until the day of harvest and is used to wash off pesticide and other nutrient residues from plants. Probably you're only hope, or just water with dishsoap. Don't forget it does rain in the wild, so it's not like a plant has...
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    possible herm?

    Kindddda looks like a pollen sac...but the picture isn't as close/clear as I would like to be able to tell.
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    What exactly does a ppm meter do? And are they very necessary?

    It tells you how many "Total Dissolved Solids" aka, TDS aka EC (Electrical Conductivity). As others have posted, a PPM meter tells you exactly how many solids out of 1 million are dissolved into your liquid (water). It doesn't tell you exactly what nutes or how much of each type of nutrient...
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    Bulb life ?

    The "life" of a bulb by the manufacturers technical specification is 24,000 hours. Since HID bulbs have sealed ends, they slowly lose lumens due to loss of gas. Like Swisher said, 2 grow cycles is a good rule of thumb to switch out. I've never seen any solid data on how many lumens have been...