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  1. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    A pic of some clones I pulled off my best PK plant. Vegging 4 weeks now. They are in 5gl buckets for now. Straight super soil. Haven't had to feed them yet. Brewing up a nice wc/ guano tea for them. A few are staying in for next grow. A few out also.
  2. dozer777

    starting the babies for summer crop

    Got a few out. Gearing up to throw a few of these ladies out. The rain has finally let up. Rock-n- Roll time!
  3. dozer777

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Purple Kush. Not the biggest plant but, a pretty good 70's porn bush going on. She's in 20 gls. of my own super soil.
  4. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    Want to play fair so, here's a couple of the start from seed outdoors. They are doing well despite 2 weeks of rain. Still aren't nearly as big as reveg. I topped these a couple times.
  5. dozer777

    Free seed pre harvest pics

    Hey Simon,quick update since taking your advice on trimming. My big girls can't come out of the room anymore due to there size. This is my 3rd best. Thanks. 5 weeks today since switch to 12/12. 4 more weeks to go. It should be good!
  6. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    5 weeks today on reveg since switch to 12/12. They are doing well and starting to bulk up. Keeping them nice and green.
  7. dozer777

    Stiil getting a virus when logging in

    Just got it again after logging in. What the fuck is going on around here lately? Doesn't RIU have software to prevent this shit? Going to take a break for awhile see if things settle down in a few weeks!
  8. dozer777

    Stiil getting a virus when logging in

    So what's next? I'm already a bit paranoid by nature first thought the DEA was in here a month or two back. Everyone said it was some religous group. Paranoia May Destroy Ya? Am I being overly paranoid? I am a state legal patient 2 plants under the guidelines. Hate bugs on my computer. Don't get...
  9. dozer777

    Stiil getting a virus when logging in

    That's the one i've been getting.
  10. dozer777

    Stiil getting a virus when logging in

    Anyone else? Seems like every other time I log in a pop up of an antivirus program shows up. Pretty much have to shut everything down in order to get back on. Sometimes have to do system restore to get rid of the shit. About sick of it. Also, affected my E-mail changed that due to all the weird...
  11. dozer777

    Free seed pre harvest pics

    Already did it this morning. They certainly look alot different after the haircut. Hoping it makes for a better harvest.
  12. dozer777

    BC Seedking

    Ordered 4 times from them. Always great quality and all the seeds popped.
  13. dozer777

    What do I call my purple kush?

    I know your just joking but i'm old school. PK says it all in the Northeast and we grow some killer blueberry, northern lights etc..
  14. dozer777

    Free seed pre harvest pics

    I was wondering about the side growth on pic above. Whack it and balance it out? I'm already this far in. What's a little more? Think i'll go with your suggestion. Thanks man!
  15. dozer777

    What do I call my purple kush?

    In the North we call it PK and can't find enough of it!
  16. dozer777

    Pruning branches during flower

    Time will tell. Keep you all posted!
  17. dozer777

    Pruning branches during flower

    Thanks Izoc glad to hear it was the right thing to do. Was a little nervous but, learn as you go I guess.
  18. dozer777

    New England rain problem

    I'm also in Maine and a few of my girls are outdoors. No worries they are pretty tough. I'd worry about rain in the fall causing mold rather then now while they are vegging. Do you have some perlite in your soil mix? It helps alot! Good luck.
  19. dozer777

    Pruning branches during flower

    Don't leaves feed the bud?
  20. dozer777

    Pruning branches during flower

    I wouldn't touch the fan leaves unless there dying.