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  1. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    He's 18 in pic. Weighs in around 250 I guess. Hasn't ever been to the vet to be weighed or anything else. Pot bellies are among the healthiest critters on the planet if taken care of properly.
  2. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    7 weeks tomorrow since switch to 12/12. Had to tie a few up. Buds are starting to put on some weight now.1 more full strength feed then cutting back. Bought an a/c heat problems over now. Just dealing with high humidity now. Have it down to 45%. New plants in veg room doing well. Clones in cups...
  3. dozer777

    Favorite porn stars (old and new)

    Gotta go with old Nina Hartley. Incredible ass! Back in the day.
  4. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Still dragging at times but, it get's better every month. And now I can hammer the old lady in bed again! lol She hated the subs worse then me. The worst side effect for me was it killed my dick!
  5. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    8mg per day. Every 10 days cut back 2mg per day for 10 days. Would withdraw the next day then be fine with the lower dose for the next 9 days. Got it down to 1 strip lasting me a week. It was still hell! Thought it wouldn't be that hard at the end but, was wrong. The worst withdrawls were over...
  6. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Suboxen. A opiate blocker used in treating heroin and opiate addicts. It takes alot of the cravings away. But, it gets you hooked same as doing dope. And the withdrawls are terrible. As well as the side effects.
  7. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Thanks. And Dozer is now 19. He's really slowing down alot the last few months. Think this summer may be his last. But, 19 is a pretty good life for a pet.
  8. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Thanks cn. And yes I AM now a survivor of those nasty pills. Half my friends are dead or in jail. I'm one of the few who has gotten away from it in my old circle. Don't hang with any of my old buds anymore. Not due to possible relapse, mainly sad seeing them still struggling with opes and dope.
  9. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Calling it a night now but. want to thank all you folks for letting me vent and giving some positive feedback. We are all strangers on line but, still brothers when we all share a common goal! Thanks again. Dozer
  10. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Yeah your probably right but, once a month my skin crawls like I have fire ants waiting to bite. Though, it is getting better every month. At least I sleep for more then 3 hours a night now. Could be worse!
  11. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Thanks man seems like you know the deal. Any good suggestions for strains during those dark hours?
  12. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    It's the most vicous circle once you indulge daily. The drug companies won't tell you that though they hate us weed growers. Wonder why?
  13. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    I've tried the once or twice a year get high and let it go deal! Dope sick for days after. Took a few tries and a few years before I said fuck it! Would rather deal with a booze 1 day hangover rather than a 72 hr withdrawl from oxies. Then of course remember the one week later curse. Then the...
  14. dozer777

    poland spring water and happy frog soil

    Use organic nutes and a little lime and don't worry about ph. Plus Poland Springs water gets expensive when your plants get going. GO line and teas! Don't flush!
  15. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Unfortunatley, that road is all too familiar in my neck of the woods! If they aren't dying from it overnight they are getting some funky ass strains of hep! I personally didn't ever like the needle. Budweiser and killa" bud for me now. Have 5 strains going should keep me mellow for a bit! Wifey...
  16. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Only once a month. Always Friday night. Kind of a dick to my old lady that night but, she's a good girl and I think understands what i'm still going through.Ween down. Then Just Do It! That saying Shouldn't just be for Nike! Willpower Bro! We All have it in us. Just gotta' bring it out! Good...
  17. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Don't know why but, once a month I get bummed out for NO reason! I think I know the reason. Hope it passes soon. Life is really overall good most days. But, some days SUCK!!!!
  18. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    I'm with you man lot's of my buds are still there! Sad really.
  19. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    My wife has major arthritis issues being a ER nurse for over 20 years. I have now talked her into a med license where I live. Oh Boy! Another grow room! Hate when I can bud another 6 plants!
  20. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Hey everyone. 3 years on major oxies 2 years on subs Now clean 6 months on good weed and Budweiser. Still have a few bad days about once a month but, overall good. They say every year on subs is a minimum of 3 months to get over it. Almost there. Still don't sleep great but, now getting 6 hrs...