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  1. dozer777

    Northeast bringin the heat for real

    I'm in Maine and grow in my basement also. Just bought an a/c now dealing with high humidity. Empty my dehumidifier 4-5 times a day. I have 2 rooms going and pay 175 a month in electricity. May just quit and do outdoors during summer months.
  2. dozer777

    who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

    Quick update on purple kush. 10 weeks in. First pic in full veg. Next, same strain and age. She just decided to start flowering. Nature, Go figure!
  3. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    A few outdoor pics. Plenty of rain around here lately. First pic is a 8 week old white widow. She just got put in the ground yesterday from a 5gl bucket. Now in 20 gls of my super soil. 2nd pic white widow in the ground for a couple weeks now. 3rd pic purple kush 10 weeks old 2 weeks in flower...
  4. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    Thanks man. Started harvest the other day. First one I chopped triches were mostly cloudy with a few amber. Wanted one plant for work days. Didn't want the couch lock. She was my second biggest. Got 582 grams wet. Second plant got whacked this morning. 512 grams wet. Triches on this one cloudy...
  5. dozer777

    Dozers Purple Kush Reveg

    55 days today in flower. Checked triches on this lady. Mostly cloudy and a few amber. Don't want the couck lock like last harvest. On at least one anyway. Like to get stoned at work and want some smoke that keeps me going. Chop time begins. Thanks to all RIU members who helped. Some closeup bud...
  6. dozer777

    Average Yield Per Plant????

    Practice makes perfect. You should get better every time. My first run with a 600 got me 18 zips dry. 8 plants in 5gl buckets. Using all organics. This run 4 plants in 10 and 15gl buckets. Hoping for same as last harvest or better. I should know in a week. Sounds like you have a good setup...
  7. dozer777

    big indoor plants, chernobyl, and dr grinspoon lots of pics

    Nice plants guy. 4th pic i'd be trimming some off that bush. Give yourself some nice dense colas. I just did it to one myself and i'm glad I did. Good luck.
  8. dozer777

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    Just checked out your thread. Cool how it only took a month to bud them out. Not happening for me though. Another week or so. Giving only water now.
  9. dozer777

    Re-Veg Questions??????........How to????

    What tip top said. Also give them a dose of N when switching to 24/7. I trim off a third of the rootball then put them in new soil. The more popcorn you leave better the reveg. Good luck!
  10. dozer777

    Re-Veg Questions??????........How to????

    Different strokes for different folks. I'm at the end of my reveg now and plants are double the size of the original run. 2 weeks to get them going again then they took right off.
  11. dozer777


    I think that's strain dependent and what you have for a growing enviroment.
  12. dozer777

    I HATE Heat...

    Desert? Frozen tundra? Water in the desert? Bet I would survive longer in the cold than you would in the heat. Gotta have water dude! Can't drink sand!
  13. dozer777

    Bigger Pots bigger yields.

    Purple kush. Got one right behind her starting to flower already. A couple in the woods that would eat these.
  14. dozer777

    I HATE Heat...

    Eskimos? I would rather have cold than 106. Probably why i'm still in Maine. And of course when it's 25 below it's a DRY cold! lol
  15. dozer777

    Pot size science

    My first indoor run last winter I went right from solo cups to 5gl buckets. Won't do it again. Now solo to 1 gl then 5gl. Just me though.
  16. dozer777

    I HATE Heat...

    Even the local stores up here give you 4 small ones for 20 bucks. They are quite easy to rip apart but, pretty depressing when you see the big claw and it's only a quarter filled with meat. All good though!
  17. dozer777

    Pot size science

    Being an outdoor grower I know the difference of every plant I have ever grown. Some in as little as 5gls of soil. Others in 25gls. More soil more yield. Even though i'm somewhat new to indoors looks like the same effect with more soil.
  18. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Right on bro. Booze only is a band aid for me. Weed fixes me for a bit.
  19. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    Pretty much over it now but, still have a bad day or two a month. Just smoke lot's of good bud! It really has helped me through this hell.
  20. dozer777

    NO SUBS almost 6 Months

    The 30's are taking over most of the young folks around here. They do subs during the week till next payday. Then boom whole paycheck gone in a night. Back to subs again. One night of oc's for a broke week of hell.